THE MIND OF A TEENY-BOPPER (DAN DAN DAN DAAANNN...DAN!!)Tis a strange mood that one finds me in today..hence, in order to either welcome you all to MY strange mood, or enable you to go into stranger moods yourself, I shall present to you a conversation I was privelleged to eavesdrop on. Enjoy, or make your own decisions as you read along. Bear in mind that this conversation happened a good two months ago, and therefore some major alterations may have happend to the main characters. That disclaimer in mind, ONWARDS!!!!
The Mind Of A Teeny-Bopper (for want of a better title)
The setting: Cafe Mochas, Churchgate, Mumbai. A rather chilled out coffee lounge, complete with hookahs, waiters dressed in somewhat traditional Moroccan attire (I say somewhat because I don't know what proper traditional Moroccan attire would be) and a rather Arabic feel and smell to it.
The Characters: Two teenaged girls, henceforth referred to as Teeny-Bopper 1 and Teeny-Bopper 2, this blogger(trying to look as if women are always late when meeting him, no big thing etc etc, but secretly wondering where the hell his company for the evening is), the waiters and other patrons of above mentioned coffee lounge.
The story:
Our tale begins at 5 pm on a Sunday evening. This blogger was reveling in the air-conditioning and trying to sing along with the original version of Ayesha, when the two teeny-boppers, who were incidentally seated behind me, decided to start a conversation. Having nothing else to do, being naturally predisposed to eavesdropping and owing to the fact that they were really,REALLY loud, I decided to lend an ear to their conversation.
T.B 1(with a tone of voice to convey imminent world destruction): YOU KNOW WHAT JUST HAPPENED????
T.B 2(eyes wide open): WHAT??
T.B 1: I really don't know how to tell you.
T.B 2: Tell me WHAT??
T.B 1: It's just way too wierd.
At this point, I let my eyes wander and noticed that several other tables were also paying attention to this highly intriguing conversation. Satisfied that I wasn't the only depraved individual in the establishment, I returned to eavesdropping. Bear in mind that nothing of importance had been said during this short interval, owing chiefly to the fact that the waiter had returnd with their orders.
T.B 2(taking a sip of her cold coffee): So tell na, what happened?
Yes, what happened indeed? T.B1 took a glance around to see if anyone else was listening. Obviously, EVERYONE was, but I don't think she noticed that fact.
T.B 1(taking a deep breath): HE asked me out!!!!!!
T.B2: He? Who he? (catching the meaningful look in her friend's eye) OHH!!! HE!! EWWW!!!
Lovely isn't it, the way these people have with words???
T.B1: I know!! I was, like, shocked! I didn't even know he liked me.
T.B2: And what did you say?? Please tell me you said No!!
T.B1: Obvio yaar!! How stupid do you think I am??
I'm sure everybody wanted to answer that question, but curiosity prevailed, and we listened on, hoping she'd explain why exactly she said NO!!
T.B2: Oh, thank God!! (religious, aren't we!!)
T.B1: Ya! I mean, just look at the clothes he wears..(AHA!!! We are getting somewhere!!) I mean, those baggy jeans, those stupid black t-shirts...CHEEE!!!!
At this moment, all the gentlemen (our young hero included) looked down to see our baggy jeans and our boring black t-shirts and cringed! But hope springs eternal, they say! And so it was, even in this dire state of mind, as she further proceeded to explain how we could become un "CHEEE".
T.B1: I mean, if only he wore some nice fitting, flared jeans, some nice pastel shades, and shoes instead of floaters with socks, then maybe I'd have said Yes. (How sweet of her!!) But now, EWWWW!!!
T.B2: I KNOW!!!How could he even think of asking YOU out? (The nerve of this guy!! Imagine...asking HER out??)
At this point, the conversation disintegrated into a fit of giggles and meaningless talk. My sympathies went out to the mysterious HE, although I feel that had he heard this conversation, he would thank his lucky stars that she'd turned him down.
And now. let us analyze the lessons learnt from this dialogue:
a) Eavesdropping is good fun?
V: Yes..I mean No..i mean..oh, just use your discretion when eavesdropping. Anything else??
b) The two girls were the dumb blonde types?
V: Incase you weren't paying attention, YES!! NOW ANYTHING ELSE??
c) You are not cool??
V: Ahh!! You are correct, sir. You see, dear reader, my entire wardrobe consists of predominantly black t-shirts(much to my granny's despair) and really baggy jeans(she has a few choice words about those too). Therefore I AM NOT COOL!! It takes getting used to.
But hope springs eternal. I too shall hunt for some nice-fitting jeans, some nice pastel-shaded shirts and shoes!! I TOO SHALL BE COOL!!
Cheers and good notions,
P.S: I'm not actually going to buy those! So I'm uncool! Atleast I'm comfortable!