It's been a while since I blogged. Truth be told, I'd run out of things to talk about Nothing funny happened, no noteworthy conversations overheard in coffee houses, no more interesting roadtrips to describe. So I thought I'd just lie low, test the market, and generally try and be out of the spotlight for a while. Didn't work...and now I am back blogging.
I recently turned another year older. Sobs and whines about how I am growing old would be best done in person, so I won't waste precious blog space doing it. I will however proceed to reflect on my different phases in life.
I'm 22. At age five, I was going to be king of the world. At age six, I had decided that king of the world had way too many committments and would need a very efficient secretary. That plan was abandoned. At age seven, I wanted to run away from home and be one of the Seven dwarves. I even wrote a goodbye note and everything...made it five minutes away from my house before my dad caught me and dragged me back home...and that's a hiding I won't forget for a really long time. Age eight, I had decided that the world bored me, and I'd grow up and be a catholic priest. That plan ended when I found out that one of the pre-requsites of the job was being Catholic. I don't think I had too many ambitions at the age of nine, or ten, for that matter. Eleven and my only wish was that I was tall. That lasted until i was thirteen. Age thirteen, I gave up wishing I could be tall...instead, I just wished that I was popular. I wanted to be one of those guys who was liked by everyone and had women dreaming about him...dreams a normal thirteen year old would have...but one can't have everything.
I was well within my angst-filled teenage years when I decided that angst was overrated and decided on insanity as my calling card. Be it getting thrown out of class for calling my literature teacher a feminist, or flashing a girl who was bugging me instead of paying attention in a class on exhibitionism, I made my own peculiar brand of insanity and stuck to it.
Age 20, I fell in love. And fell very badly. For the first time, after a really long time, happiness had entered into my life and looked like it was going to stay there. That lasted for a very brief time. Age 21, I just wanted to fit in, somewhere, anywhere...I also wanted Italy to win the World Cup...some dreams do come through..hee hee. The latter part of 21, I just wanted to be accepted in certain intellectual circles and not be thought of as a juvenile who had no important opinions of his own.
Finally, at age 22, I just want to be ME.
Maybe, finally, I'll get what I want.
Hopefully Yours
22 is old...but you're too tall (see another dream came true)to wear the bottoms of your trousers rolled. i like blog. which dwarf did you want to be?
well your brand of insanity is defintely very unique...heh...ive seen some glimpses of that...but ofcourse...i remember the 19 year old vishnu very well and for some very interesting reasons...and yes you have also once semi-flashed some junior college girls in the green room becasue they were irritating you..the expression still comes to mind....haha
ohh sorry...i meant 18 year old vishnu....
We have all chased dreams.. some with a sense of spark in them, while some just for sheer curiosity, and should it not work out, have always looked forward to the next one. but i doubt i have ever looked back at my dreams and seen where i stand as of today...
I like. it made me think. made me wonder.
I'm sorry I haven't been by. :)
One needs to be reminded sometimes.
Glad you figured out what I've known for ages. Just hope you have a better idea of what "ME" means to you.
i like the ME that you are now. youve grown n matured, its something i see n feel all the time. be proud of urself, i think uv turned out allright! friends like me should be testimony to that....
beautiful piece by the way!
well that answers a lot of my questions... maybe u should have given me the idea a lil earlie..... nonetheless...... the insanity that u seemed to have a copyright on is catchin up with ppl..... u started a trend man.. that has to count 4 atleast some dream somewher being accompalished hehehe.... its brilliant how u can describe urself with such ease..... power of words i say.......
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