Nostalgia has kicked in, it's that time of the year again when the temperatures drop and sleep eludes me yet again. Times like these, my mind starts wandering, and I return to thoughts of things gone by, and the direction my life is taking. These are the times when I think about things I really hate to think about, thoughts that underline the change that has swept through me.
It was with great happiness that I learnt that a couple of my friends from back home were dropping by our recently renamed city for a fleeting visit. Natural talks of "Let's meet up, dude", several follow-up phone calls to ensure that the meeting up actually happened, and we met over coffee at my neighborhood coffee house. I hadn't met these guys for ages now, and meeting them just brought back all the feelings of homesickness that I have tried to fight off for the greater part of two years. We just talked about college days, and other stuff that guys talk about..who's seeing whom, what's everyone else doing in life, etc...Shortly, discovering that my mind and my mouth cuold function as two complete seperate entities, I let my mind wander. Thoughts of home, my friends, my old life all came flooding back. It's only been two years since I left home, but it feels like an eternity. I've left way too many things behind-my private spot on the rocks, where I could just sit and watch the ocean for hours, the coffee house which my best friend and I had made ourselves so much at home, my best friend, not to mention the only woman I probably ever fell in love with...even something as inane as MY bed. Thinking of all this made me smile, a tad wistfully, but a smile all the same.
"Dude!", said my friend, interrupting my reverie," that is the first real smile I've seen on your face all evening. Boy, you've sure changed!" DId he really have a point? Had I really stopped smiling?? Maybe he is right. I can't remember the last time I was truly happy, the last time I smiled because I meant it, not just out of politeness. And have I really changed all that much? I went from being Mr. Popular back home to Mr. Nobody here. I learnt to deal with it, eventually, even fancying myself as a bit of a loner, but everything has a limit. A few moments of time to yourself or solitude is sought after by all, but everytime i walk into a restaurant, remove my book and read because I have nobody to talk to, everytime i go through my phone book to see who I can call and talk to, everytime i see a large group of people sitting together and having a ball of a time, everytime I walk into my classroom and see the rows and rows of empty benches and realize that there is nobody around to fill them, the loneliness hits me like an anvil falling onto the head of Wily Coyote.
Perhaps I have changed, Perhaps the facade has finally slipped. In many ways, I may remain an overgrown child, but in many ways, I've grown up far more over these past two years than I might have.
I may have been broken, several times in this period, but I know I always manage to bounce back. I guess growing up is good, change is necessary, and solitude is but a passing phase.
Perhaps it is time to smile again.
Friday, November 24, 2006
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Perhaps it is, Dude... Perhaps it is... Very nicely put, if I might add, borought several king-sized lumps to my throat... I who never had a place on the rocks to call my own... usual taken make me wonder if im igorant about people all the time..anyway....the way youve written it i could almost feel what you are saying....and yes somewhere..nostalgic!!!but the fact that besides all the mayhem youve always bounced back...not many people can...
awwwwwwwwww, big huggie to the rao without a toaster. maybe its time i stop bugging you about it no? i can't do these senti comments, so i'm just gonna say 'come back.. the rocks miss poking into your ass!'
whats with you man.. a couple months you dont have girl friend .. and look at the philosophy which is flowing out..chill man.. drink some beer
yes V.. i think you could really use some beer.. or 'Sprite' perhaps?? Maybe i could entice to a Brrristaa Frappe sometime..
And i cant really identify with homesickness.. but ill do my bit to help you recover from it..
Cheers (& *hic*.. if i may add) :)
ps: Karthik Subramanian.. you better keep in touch! :)
Maybe something stiffer than a beer. A whiskey perhaps??
well penned. its definitely time to smile.
sniff..awww...sweet boy
Dropped by after long.
Nice post.
I read everythng u hav written...too many emotions flowed dude,after long...REALLY long.but den decided .maybe i shouldn' comment..but all thts written was so lik me!..must say,u struck a cord somewhere....thx 4 reminding me to smile...:)
u knw me,still choose to be anonymous....
Why, I say, V!
I believe I know you!
I mean, of you. :)
Life's little coincidences. And thank you for stopping by.
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