Friday, November 03, 2006

K's Totally meaningless Poem - 1

Early in the morning, as I lie awake in bed,
Memories of last night runnin’ thru my head,
A song comes screeching right through the wall,
It’s my sister playing ‘Don’, sitting in the hall.

The remixed and re-mastered version of a classic
Makes me groan like some monster most Jurassic,
And as the singer tries to gyrate like Kareena Kapoor,
To them I feel like doin’ what was done to Tupac Shakur.

And then as the tempo shifts through the music blaster
I realise my sister has turned and started playing ‘Bluffmaster.’
The songs make gorge and bile rise in my throat,
As another stifled little scream dies in my throat.

How I wish someone’d play Sabbath or even the Stones
Instead of this shit that rattles all my bones.
Even as I sit in bed trying not to throw up,
I realise I just have to let my sister grow up.

And thus, cursing this setup, I groan and stretch,
Feeling – after all that – like a perfect little wretch.
And still the music comes at me, twisted and ugly…
I run into the loo, screaming –

Addendum for Monolith:

Groop I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes,
And after you have read all the worst of my pomes,
And hooptiously drangle me
You will happily strangle me
With crinkly bindlewurdles
As I get through the hurdles…
Or I will rend thee in gobberwarts with my burglecruncheon
As I read my next poem during our next luncheon.
See if I don’t.


Arjun Sharma said...

HA HA!! Superb!! I needed that, early this morning. Many salutations and thanks!

He would have been happy.

Monolith... said...

Resistance is Useless!!! I will throw you out the nearest airlock! The probability of your survival is 1 to the power negative 18263728974375682765782658726872648275872587.