Sunday, October 08, 2006

Conversations at a Coffee House

The devoted readers of this blog will remember an article which gave us tremendous insights into the mind of a teeny-bopper. This sort of gives us an overall perspective into the minds of people who visit coffee houses on a rainy sunday evening..

Our conversation begins, as most of mine do, sitting and waiting for someone, who was late. I was early..(kinda goes without saying), and having nothhign else to do, I eavesdropped. All around me, people were seated and conversing. I did not want to be rude, so I decided to just imbibe everything around me.

As i settle down, I take a customary gaze around the place to see if there is anyone I am acquainted with, in order to pass the time while I wait. There is noone. A table away from me, there are two gents who look like the weight of the world is on them. The elder of the two takes a puff from his cigarette and stares at the smoke he has just discharged with a mournful air, as if saying goodbye to a really old friend. The younger of the two is continuing to speak, with an extremely grave air, that seems suspended over that table.

Two tables away from me, two intellectuals are matching their wits in a gripping game of chess....I fight the urge to scream Knight to black 32...kill that queen...I lose...I scream...people look at me wierdly..and I sink back into my chair....

And one table away from that sit my favorite muses...teeny-boppers..both male and female..this crowd is loud..that is consists of three people...two male, and one incredibly attractive girl..I'm all male...I stare..and then, the conversation lifts my moods...

Boy: Macchha..I have reached a monumental decision (here, I am impressed he knows the meaning of the word and can actually pronounce it right,,,but perhaps I am being too harsh)

His two comrades stare at him...mouths agape...probably wondering what new style of jeans is he going to try to buy.

Boy 1: As I said, I have reached a monumental decision

The other male sitting at the table nods, as most friends do, while the girl giggles, as most girls do.

Boy1 : I need a very hot female best friend.

He's got my attention!!!

The other male looks up, lifts an eyebrow and listens. The girl continues to giggle. But suddenly, in the middle of the giggle, she feels the need to ask a question

Girl: But why?

Boy 1: Very simple..See, in all american tv serials, the best friends are always damned hot right?

He looks around for approval, and the friend, with all his frenzied nodding, now starts to look like a thinner version of Silent Bob. I also nod, but i hope they can't see me.

Boy 1: See, now if I have a hot best friend, we'll both go out with all the wrong people initially, and then we'll both realise that we need each other..and we've been right for each other all along.

More frenzied nodding, and even more high-pitched giggling...Personally, I think the other male at the table was wishing that the speaker would just cock up and buy him some coffee, but one msut be supportive, and like most good friends, he did an excellent job.

I decide to move onto the bathroom. Nature was calling and I didn't want it to leave a message. I amble in, push the door with full confidence, only to not have it yield under my grasp. Damn. SOmeone is inside. And so, I wait. As I do, a thought from a long-lost sms forward comes drifting to my head. " The length of a minute depends on which side of the bathroom door you are!" Truer wrods were not spoken. I still wait, patiently, trying not to think too much, but the only things that seem to come to my head are waterfalls, streams of water, flushes, and the rains. As if on cue, the heavens open up. I'm up against the elements. Finally, the door opens, the previous occupant wiping his hands dry exits the bathroom. I hold my nose and walk in. Ironically, the first thing I see is graffitti, fresh, mind you, loudly proclaiming " Do not take more than five minutes!!" Good advice.

I return to my table, and take my seat. My coffee and my fate for the evening have both arrived by this time, and so I take my leave from all around me, and begin to lose myself in her eyes.

And with that, cheers and good notions



Anonymous said...

Hmm.. Boy1 is someone I know.. isnt he...V??

Anonymous said...

vishnu...musssay...u introduce us to dis different kinda species of people funyy...i evn loooved d lasst one wid dose 2 gurlz toking...

Rae said...

I hope you take Boy1's advice.

Gutterflower said...

who's the "her"? ^_^

Anonymous said...

fantastic... absolutely marvelous... leaves the average joe hankering for more... more i say... more...
may your endeavors of eavesdropping never be intercepted, for you hath the gift of the gab, with the stealth of a crab... ... kudos to you :)