Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Apologia et Corrigendum

*WARNING!!! This Poem is by K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously!!!!*

My apologies to V-Dude,
Late as it might be,
For people just don’t see, dude,
This was written by me.

It must’ve been so boring
And so incredibly vast,
And I can’t go imploring
That you go right to the last.

Yes, Monolith may read,
And Rae may comment,
As may another breed
Of a literary bent.

All right!
Let me stop this moonlighting,
And all this shammin’
I guess I’m just writing
For the Middle-Class Brahmin.



Arjun Sharma said...

I dig eet! I totally dig eet!

Why are you apologizing to V-Dude? What did you do? Why am I always left out of the loop???

Sorry to use a 'Taxi driver' line but, what's moonlighting?

Anonymous said...

Keep it gay!!

the stygian sailor said...

wah wah!though i dint get single word of it

Anonymous said...

[Sharma] Moonlighting is technically working at another job, though it can also mean violence at night... The Apology was 'cos apparently V-Dude got boo-ed as people thought he'd written my article, owing to the fact that a name wasn't there at the beginning. I felt wierd (you can understand without me using the appropriate words). So.

[Monolith] Thank you for that *illuminating* comment. It only reinforces my statements in the pome.

Arjun Sharma said...

Why did he get booed for that? That was a nicely written one, wasn't it?

Anonymous said...

{Apparently)It wasn't his style... He (poor guy) got hit with 'Think you're some English Prof or something????' stuff... I do not see the meaning..
It gives too many tangential connotations...

therapy said...

well well, i finally meet random and tandem..
nice work brahmin boy.

therapy said...

I agree on the "kannada play translated to english and altered"

for the record:)

tangled said...

Not rae...flamingo??
Oooh, the small world :D