Monday, December 25, 2006

Silent Bloody Night

- A Rant by K.
They started testing the loudspeakers at around six in the evening. I could feel unmentionable parts of my body (like the follicles of the hair on my head) quiver as wave upon wave of noise crashed into the walls of my house. And then, curse and blast it all, came through the hideously mutilated tunes of someone trying to sing ‘Silent Night, Holy Night’.
Apparently the speakers weren’t set right.

Another half an hour of MAYHEM, BEDLAM and SHIVAJINAGAR-AT-SIX-IN-THE-EVENING ensued.

About two hours later, two hours that I spent in mortal agony, children trickled out like the last drops of water from your kitchen tap when the water tank above your house just goes empty. They trickled out merrily, and their parents oozed out after them – these belong, in general, to a species much larger than that of the children, who, compared to these, are but ants to a behemoth – raising the general level of noise to Ungodly (or is it UnGodly?) levels.

I think Dante met up with Ser H.G. Wells, traveled forward through the time machine and by mistake came into the gardens outside our apartment, on the evening of the twenty-fourth of December, 2006. He came and he saw and he conkered. He saw the people milling about, the children screaming, the generally demoniac screeching of the loudspeakers, and he thought (to himself): “Now, wot shall we call this, my precioussss???” and several minutes later, came up with a brilliant word, so brilliant, so ethereally SEXY that he went back to his own time, and said to himself again (Great writers always talk to themselves, please note.): “Oi!!! Such a luverly idea-rr as that should be written about!!!” and he started his greatest work, to write about the Capital of Hell, PANDEMONIUM. My place. Of course, he started with some rot about how he came unknowing into the great dark forest, this forbidding place where every fear is renewed (“Which in the very thought renews the fear,” as Longfellow translated it), but you can get the general picture.

After M. Alighieri had come and gone, the party really began. My god. I have never seen such a thing in all my life. The term Bacchanalian would have to be retailored to fit this night. All in the name of celebrating Christmas Eve, these people decided to try, with just acoustics, to tear the roofs from the buildings around.

It’s a wonder the police didn’t catch them at it, seeing as this revel went on till around one in the night (I checked the time). I heard every kind of evil music, from the tunes of Dhoom 2, to all the possible Bollywood hits made all the more vulgar by the addition of the morphed Second-Millenium equivalent of that Eighties and Early Nineties phenomenon called “Jhankaar Beats”.

These people had hired some other people to see that the sound levels were kept insanely high, and the hired hands kept to their task well. Too well. (Indeed, if I’d been an Eighteenth Century writer, I’d have called them ‘Swarthy Ruffians, with a most evil glint in their eyes.’ But suffice it to say that these were probably from another echelon altogether, indeed, such a different echelon, that I could picture them in Tyre Advertisements for the Rural areas, under the motto of the ‘Echelon Man’.
Humour, ran away with me.)

I am sure half those kids will be deaf for the rest of the week (as will most of the senior residents), and most of them will still be breathing out the smoke that they inhaled in copious quantities during the bash.

It was horrible. And if this is the way we are going to usher in one of the most peaceful times of the year, I am extremely sorry.

We have never behaved this way on my home planet.

Bloody Humans!!!


Thus Spake Monolith - From K With Love

Great comments like this (Great both in length and Yoda-ness) ought to be treated with some respect. And of course, add to this the excitement that I feel about the fact that my value and my importance in the scheme of things on this great planet of ours is going to be gauged by none other than a pre-eminent Jedi Master!!! Ooo-er!!!

Here it is in full:

This very famous theatre person whom you respect very much...did he know that he was getting into theatre when he was doing his engineering?? I am guessing no. But he followed his heart. And that is all that we can do. Follow our hearts. They may take us through pain, suffering, take us to the depths of despair, to the very edge of the chasm of hopelessness. But we must continue to follow them or we lose our raison d’être! So follow your heart. And if your heart says no, then no it is. If it says yes then plough on and you will eventually see the light. Take it from someone who has been doing that for 14 years. I will make it. I am confident. Perhaps I am alone in that confidence. But I don’t care. I feel that this is my time. I will succeed. Your time of clarity will come soon. You have realised your dilemma. You will find the solution. The first step is faith. And the next 6 months. And to borrow from Rae's theme “The Force is with you, young Skywalker. But you are not a Jedi yet.”

Advice seems to be the best medicine, and I greatly appreciate it.

Dankeschon, Herr Ubermensch.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Quagmire Called Confusion - K

I’m confused.
And I’ll be thrice-damned and say it thrice again. I’m confused. I’m confused. I’m confused.

Extremely uncomfortable stage of life to be confused in, but there it is. No, I don’t mean that I’m plagued by the normal fears: love, acceptance, fame, blah. What I’m confused about is my future, six months from now.

Six months from now, I’d have finished my engineering. All my heart wants is that I get into theatre and writing, my two passions. But I’m afraid that may not be so easy. That’s where the confusion comes in.

Torn between getting a job right after my engineering, and doing what I love. Add to this the fact that of the few people I’d have loved to work with, one is bogged down by career and work, unable to meet any sort of schedule (I’m not playing the blame-game, just citing the reality of the situation); and another two will leave exactly at the time I finish my course (July ’07 or thereabouts): one to learn his craft and another to ply his trade. Plodding on alone is not something that seems such an attractive prospect.

And then, someone whom I admire greatly said yesterday that looking back now, from his position as a very famous theatre artiste, probably one of the true greats in the field, he was regretful of the fact that he had done his Engineering and thereby had probably wasted someone else’s seat, since he anyway got into theatre.
Though this struck a very painful chord, I cannot even say that, because I don’t know for sure whether I am getting into theatre or not.

I’m writing, a hell of a lot, and – to borrow a British idiom – slavering away at it like Billy-O, and even in that I haven’t reached that stage where I can confidently take my oeuvre of work to a publishers’. Hence all this blog-ranting.

And this is what is causing all the aforementioned confusion: the variety of future careers I can choose from and the uncertainty that I feel about taking the decision.

I don’t think the feeling’s going to go away anytime soon.


Saturday, December 23, 2006

YULETIDE me over

This post is by V
Seriously, it's just me!!!!

Greetings. It's been a mixed bag of feelings so far. I am back home, something I have been eagerly awaiting since weeks. I've met friends, well-meaning relatives who made not-so-discreet whispers to my mum about how thin I have become, I've hung out with my parents and realized that they aren't so bad provided I don't live with them 24/7 and managed to get some good writing done. Sounds like fun eh??

And yet, not surprisingly, I manage to find myself in what the Monolith appropriately terms a "Funk". Ingredients:

1) More mood swings than before

2) Long periods of Silence

3) Just a dash of pensiveness

4) Long Solitary walks

5) Self-conversations for that extra blah!!!

Volia!!!! The perfect funk!! Serves one round of depression.
Warning: Excessive indulgence may lead to prolonged loneliness!!!!!

Jokes aside, I found myself turning increasingly to my oldest confidante, the sea. All around me, the season of merriment continues in full swing. The roads are decorated with fake snow, Santa Clauses are "Ho Ho Ho'ing at every street corner, boughs of holly deck every hall and Jingle bells are ringing everywhere. Yuletide spirit has replaced the traditional pollution. However, with my mood being the way it was, I thought I'd be spending the holiday spouting "BAH!! HUMBUG!!" at anyone who even dared think the words "Merry Christmas!"

It all changed two days ago. I was on one of my solitary walks at night when I heard a group of carol singers singing songs that reminded me of school days and the accompanying innocence. Louder and louder the music grew, as I stood entranced to the spot. And then, my personal Christmas miracle happened. Without my knowledge, my lips had started singing and my feet had started tapping.....

"....and then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say,
"Rudolph with your nose so bright,
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?...."

It made for an odd symphony, a bunch of carol singers on one side, and a solitary figure on the other. But we still sang on, and then some more. At the end of it, we crossed paths and smiled greetings to each other and just being merry. As I returned home, I suddenly found my heart a lot lighter than when I had left.

My life may not exactly be rosy, but I think I'll get back to the gloom on tuesday. After all, there'll be no sad faces on Christmas.

So, "HO HO HO, and a pound of Fruitcake!!"

Merry Christmas Everybody!!!


Thursday, December 14, 2006

My Year End Article (Couldn't Resist) - K

(An article by K in the lines of similar articles by V-Dude and the Monolith, fellow writers; in keeping with the accepted formats used thereof. Michael Caine.)
Strange. It’s the Year End. And everyone’s writing about it. "Me too! Me too!" screams my pen, and I oblige. Noblesse and all that.

Wonder what this year was the year of. The Buffalo? The Yellow Lizard? The Morbid Hippopotamus? Whatever it is, it is
I’ve lived another three hundred and sixty five days. I’ve seen sunshine and rain, whisky and vodka (and have served them too). I have seen palm leaves casting wriggling shadows on broken panes of glass. I have seen purple and red strobes of lights caressing the dust on an empty stage. I have had water poured on me for another man’s whim; I have seen men cackling over the wanton killing of a Jedi Master when in the guise of an Engineer (all that for a shotgun :-) !!); men laughing over a game of Uno with steaming cups of black coffee at three in the morning.
I have made many successful DVD conquests, and for that I thank my fellow Conquistadoré. (You great!!!)

I have basked in the sunshine of a woman’s love for over one and three quarters of a year. I thank her for that.

Resolutions? I didn’t make any last year, so I have broken none. this year too shall be the same. Safer for me.

I am also grateful to the friends I have made, to the worlds they have opened up for me, to the realities I have seen through their eyes.

It is with an aching in my heart that I mourn the passing of another year, but it is with some semblance of joy that I welcome a new one.

All ye who shall go home for the holidays, enjoy thyselves (and I look forward to meeting thee upon thy return). All ye who shall accompany me in final exams in December (starting on Christmas Eve), here’s a sincere wish that we may all come through unscathed.

Live well.


Yahoo!!! The Year End is here

This is a post by V
Seriously, it's only Me!!!

I borrowed the idea for this post from the Monolith. I hope he does forgive me!!!

This is the first full year I have spent away from home for a long, long time, and I'm sure people are sick of my constant complaints of homesickness. So am I. So this post is not to say how homesick I have been, or will continue to be until I return home for good. Instead, this is a sort of "This is your life" segment in retrospect.

This year has been interesting. To be quite frank, it didn't start all that great, and hasn't improved tremendously, but it's gone by. Hence, perhaps the jubilation that the year is finally ending. Also, I look back and realise that I haven't learnt much from the things I have done. I probably will still go about making the same old mistakes again and again. So, all in all, 2006 is over...there is some amount of gladness, but pretty much a huge feeling of relief. The relief stems from the fact that I can clean out my slate for this year and start with a brand new piece of chalk and a blank slate to fill with next year's experiences.

However, I have learnt certain things..most of them eye opening...

I learnt that I'm not the only person who hates people butting into their lives.

I learnt that nice guys do indeed finish last. I also realised that I can't be anything but that.

I learnt that I may have my issues and my imperfections and faults. I also realised that I'd be bored if I were anybody else.

I learnt that you can't always shut out your heart. It will find it's way into the picture sooner or later and try and dominate your life.

I also learnt how not to let it do too much of that. Heh.

I learnt that I'm not that great an actor, but I still do enjoy being on stage..or atleast I used to.

I learnt that life doesn't stop because I am upset. Suck it up and get going. That's my new motto!!

I also had the good fortune of finding out what several people actually thought about me. It's good to know the truth, no matter how bitter.

Watching movies alone is not a bad thing at all!!

Each day gone is another day closer to departure. The countdown has begun!!

I've learnt that older friends, once they get rid of their parent views about me, are really the coolest friends you can every have. Monolith, Therapy, Rae and Thinkpotty, this one's aimed at you.

I really do have the best of both worlds in several ways.

My life really doesn't suck as much as it does. It still sucks, but not that much.

Falling in love, at ANY age, is still a lot easier than falling out of it. Comforting to know that my troubles aren't age-specific.

Sometimes. books can be better company than human beings.

There will always be tomorrows, and tomorrow will always bring a promise of something new. Just as one year ends, there will be another one beginning. There's still time for me to do all the things I want to do before I become one among the millions who travel along the same routine path. There's more challenges and more adventures...newer people to meet and swap embarassing stories with....better places to visit....and most importantly, more chances to follow my heart and hope that it will stick with me this time around.

There's a whole new bunch of stuff waiting for me. Any wonder why I love this time of the year??

The chill is in the air, but so's the spirit of cheer and good old fashioned hope. Drink it in my friends. Drink it in.

In Advance



Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Travel- By V

Travel, writing and reading constitute my major passions. Discovering that it was indeed possible to fulfill all three at one time was one of my greatest discoveries. Making plans impulsively, going to the nearest bus depot, seeing which destination looks exotic enough, often settling for destinations whose names I couldn't pronounce-these thrills are almost unmatched.

Travelling by local transport gives glimpses and insights into local lives and allows you to experience the legendary local flavor. Be it travelling by a rickety bus wheezing and groaning it's way up a hill from Solapur to Thuljapur, or taking the ferry across Goa and hearing Konkani folk music and smellling the aroma of freshly caught fish on the way to the market may not sound appealing to most, but at that time, they are the best feelings and scents ever. If you travel by local transport as opposed to high-end Volvo buses, you meet all different avataars of people ranging from the Indian cyclops (the tourist with the camera permanently attached to his face) to the local know-it-alls and the occasional cool older person who shares his smokes with others.

Things I love about travelling range from making friends with complete strangers , joining a spontaneous game of antakshaari where melody and tune really don't matter, meeting the occasionally unaccompanied pretty woman.....AHHHH!!! Good times!!

My most memorable journeys include a 30 hour bus ride from Mumbai to Bangalore in a bus that had more cargo than passengers, a solitary trup to Lonavala which served as the starting point for a trek, and a monsoon visit to Goa at the age of 17. The last mentioned was my first impulsive journey and hence, will remain my most cherished memory.

I know I ramble a lot about being lonely and how much it bugs me. But travelling alone afforded me a freedom that all the solitude wouldn't even match. The freedom to do whatever I want without having to submit to another's wish, the freedom to stay in the cheapest hotel and not care as long as I had a bed to rest my head and a roof to keep the rains out. Lovely!!

I miss travelling. But soon, I shall have some more free time on my hands. Perhaps I sahll be able to bring my haversack down from it's dusty perch, don my travel cargoes, head towards the bus depot and then go in whichever direction my feet might lead me.

Perhaps there is time for some more adventure.

And so


Exams-By V

I walked into the newly re-christened (or so I thought) Bengalooru University only to find out that the name remained the same. However, the building has indeed gone in for an upgrade. No longer was it the ramshackle structure in which I wrote my first semester exams, the building where I was more petrified about the ceiling crumbling off onto my head rather than the fact that I knew nothing in the exam. Nor was it the half built structure where I gave my second semester examinations. This is an uber-modern structure with books I'd probably love to own when I make my first million, and facilities to die for. Ahhh....heaven!!!

Yes yes, I am getting to the point....

I wasn't here to praise Bangalore University campus. I was here to write about the funny feelings that exams invoke within me. I don't mean ha ha funny..more a sort of a mixed bag. I am usually nervous, but then again who isn't? It's the semester exams, and nervousness is the only normal feeling I get.

There is also a certain longing to meet people I met during the previous times I wrote my examinations. One of them has become a really good friend of mine over the course of the years. It's kinda nice actually to be one among a sea of students all waiting anxiously for the teachers to start distributing the papers, and look around and see more people.

I also end up feeling scared, not wanting to do my usual last exam stupid things. In my first semester, I ended up mimicking my external examiner's funny accent, then looking up at my invigilator's ashen face and realizing, with sudden dread, that she was right behind me. In my second semester, the same dread was again re-kindled with the realization that she was again my external examiner, and in my haste to beat it out of the viva session as soon as I was done, I ended up trying a half-running half-skating motion leading me to miss the entrance to my classroom completely, slip in a mighty puddle, which was conveniently placed outside the room, and colliding head-first with the Head Of The Department. Again, I couldn't wait to get out of there fast enough. But, there is an upside to everything. If i didn't have these mad things happen to me all the time. I wouldn't be me. The external smiled at me on my way to my classroom, and the now former head of the department gave me a broad smile and wished me the very best of luck for a potentially tough paper, which lightened my mood instantly. What will I do this time? Well, they've only started..the final day is still ten days away...let the suspense build I say.

The final feeling completing this mixed bag is a sort of a wearied happiness....the start of the examinations means that the term is almost done....the countdown has begun....I get a break, I get some time to myself, and most importantly, I get to go home. So, a kind of nervous longingness builds itself in my heart as I remove my pad, check if my hall ticket is firmly attached, smile at my friend from another college, and walk in, once again, to sit in the seat which, as always is too small for me.

Somehow, I really don't mind. I'm going home.
