I miss home. I miss my old tiny alcove that I used to call my room. I miss my neighbour who used to keep staring at me so much that I thought she'd bring a rishta for her daughter to my mother. I miss the daughter who once complained to my mother that I had had a party in her absence, only to be dispatched with an awesome rebuff by my mother. I miss my mum and dad, and our entire sitcom family situations. I miss walking along the beach at night, coming back home and having dad sniff me all over to check if I had smoked. I miss having friends. I miss all the fun I used to have. I miss you guys. I do.
Enough of that. Withe the emotional segment for today's blog completed, let me tell you about Charlie. Charlie, another inhabitant of my Mumbai home, is my family pet. Other people have dogs, cats or even birds. Me, I have a lizard. And before the more perverse of you start thinking, he is really a lizard. The standard household lizard. Although Charlie is different. He has a green tail. Yes, I had something to do with it. I decided he must be different, so i sat him down and decided to paint a nice green identifying mark all across his back. I'd just finished his tail when Charlie had enough of it and decided to scurry off. So if you go to 10 Dattatreya, Bandra, and you see a green tailed lizard, assuming he hasn't lost it already, that's Charlie.
I first met this fine reptile when he decided to drop in rather unassumingly on my shoulder. I turned, and saw this baby lizard on my shoulder. Being the friendly sort, I said hello. He forked his tongue, in a manner which could either mean "I'm fine, just hanging around", or "Mind your own business, human." I assumed he was also friendly so I adopted him. Also, Charlie is one heck of a cockroach killer. Which automatically makes him my best friend. The do-or-die contest between Charlie and the deadly cockroach will be long remembered at No 10, especially since i was cheering Charlie on so loudly, waking up my mother and getting yellled at by her.
I miss ya charlie. Hope ya still keeping my home cockroach free.
"I first met this fine reptile when he decided to drop in rather unassumingly on my shoulder. I turned, and saw this baby lizard on my shoulder. Being the friendly sort, I said hello."
He he, somehow, this is very, very funny!
"I miss the daughter who once complained to my mother that I had had a party in her absence, only to be dispatched with an awesome rebuff by my mother."
What was the rebuff?
aww....... v's got a pet lizard.
now ain't that cute? (BUT IT'S WROOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNG, remember that line from the cartoon "Two Stupid Dogs"? I used to watch it and laugh my guts out when this line was uttered on the magical... er..... box that we call the TV. Nevermore. I was destined to live without TV and also without pet lizards cuz we dont have any lizards here, nor cockroaches, and ants dont make very good pets, cant paint 'em green)
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