I feel it's about time I introduced myself. I know the verbose half of this blog's authors has mentioned us as a couple of disgruntled students, posing as intellectuals, and completely unbalanced in the mental section. Alright, maybe it's just me. But i feel that the introduction given doesn't do me enough justice, so I have prepared a reasonably decent list of frequently asked questions (FAQS) to answer any questions you'd have about me.
Alright. Let us begin. Start meezeek.
Q.1) Who are you?
Ans.1) I am one half of Random Tandem. I go by the moniker of V. You can call me The Rao, or insane, or whatever you want to call me. Shnu and nu are also acceptable. Unacceptable are Vish, and Lamer!! I am doing my Master's in Psychology, from the Indian Institute Of Psychology and Research. I'm a bit of a drifter, considering I have moved from Mumbai, to Bangalore, back to Mumbai, and returned to Bangalore.
Q.2) What makes you interesting?
Ans. 2) You don't think I am interesting? (shocked silence) Well alright. Let's see. I'm a fairly decent looking guy. I like to talk, but i also like to listen. I'm entertainment guaranteed, be it the way I can crack really bad jokes, so badly, that you'll feel so sorry for me, you'll laugh. Or my complete inability to stand on my own two feet without damaging some appendage of mine.
Q.3) What do you like?
Ans.3) I like to read, I like to ride. I like to do several things with my life that I haven't already done. I'd like to discover a totally different side of me which would impress women and leave them gasping for more, but i'll settle for what I am. I love psychology, been interested in it since my 9th grade, and still can't get enough of it.
Q.4) So, would you like to tell us something more about you?
Ans.4) Absolutely. I'm a simple little boy, who likes the simpler things in life. Many times, I prefer the company of a good book, and would willingly lose myself in it. Many other times I'm afraid to be alone because if your thoughts are as scary as mine are, then you'd be afraid to be alone with them too. I manage to make a complete fool out of myself everytime I'm out with an attractive woman (you know, sweating, gas, the works) but I manage to keep it under control most of the time, and when I can't, they don't notice it. Even if they do, I pass off as endearing, and boyishly charming.
I end up talking too much sometimes, and too little sometimes. Geez, this sounds like 10 reasons not to talk to me. Ignore most of the unflattering things said. I am just a nice guy, who alternates between boyishly cute, to sometimes handsome.
So if you find me interesting, leave me a comment. Take care. And good night.
Hey, wait a minute!!! I know you! You were in PTA school, weren't you? During our traumatic pre-pubescent years. Up until high school, so was I.
Have I got you figured right?
OOOOHHH oooohhhh! you forgot to add one VERY important FAQ VISH! How many girl have you asked out, consecutively, in a single day? and a week? and a month?
Alright alright, i know that was a dare. I was just pulling your leg. We all know your one true love is none other than yourself. And we love you anyway. (((HUG)))
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