Sometimes, the entire universe exists just for one moment, just to get two peole together. And then, the next minute, the same universe is doing it's level best to keep the same two people apart. I wonder what's the deal with the universe? Is there someone up there who insisits on keeping me from true happiness? Alright, that was a little too dramatic, but hey, I'm a dramatic persona. It's a by-product of being a psycho student and a wannabe actor at the same time. Anyway, I digress...slightly.
One rarely has those moments when everything is just perfect, a perfect combination of moments leading to an absolute beautiful time. This occasion was one of them. It's wierd, considering I'm the kind who usually goes all out for the future, and never does anything on impulse. Okay I lie. I usually do a lot of things on impulse. A side result of thinking more with your heart rather than your head. It's easiest to fall in love. It's hardest to stay in love. That comes about because your heart tells you to fall in love. It's your head that thinks everything through and then decides whether this proposed insanity is advised, or ill-advised. Damn, I hate the head sometimes. But it always ends up being my savior in many many situations.
This is one time I tried to listen just to my head, and not let my heart do the talking. Unfortunately, my heart and head seem to work on two completely opposing teams all the time, except when they are united in their common goal of getting me into trouble. At such a time, the two mortal enemies become bosom buddies, and usually, I end up suffering. I know this post is becoming way too self-indulgent and depressing, but humour me. I promise tomorrow I'll come up with a better idea, one which is infinitely more entertaining.
This time around, I have officially spent every single resource trying to get myself out of this slump and back to normal. This involves keeping myself extra busy, avoiding the object of my affections, and being an all-round ass. That didn't work. I then decided to try a whole new approach, and try thinking about someone else. That also didn't work. So, basically I just decided, one fine day, that I can't fight this. So, I'll keep an open mind. I'll have some amounts of patience, which may let me down(knowing my luck, it's a very realistically possibility), and I have to remain an optimist.
I fell lonely. Not lonely, actually, just very much alone. I'm beginning to wonder if moving to Bangalore was a good decision. I love the city, and it's dedication to academics is amazing, but I've traded in too much, given up way too much, and subjected myself to more nonsense than i signed up for. Ah well, time goes on
Once again, I apologize.
Sincerely your's..
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