Monday, April 03, 2006

I wonder......

Yes, it's one of those "I wonder posts."

I completely agree that many people shadow their knowledge out of fear of being ridiculed. The ridicule comes about because of a stereotype. Certain people abuse the limited amounts of intelligence they possess, and tend to cast a bad impression people. So the general reaction when you do tend to speak a little too much about your passions is that you are immediately ridiculed, atleast inwardly if not openly.

Yet, I must disagree with the point that a sort of reverse subservience must take plece. To not be watered down is an extremely good idea. But to do so at the risk of rapidly portraying an air of superiority is quite infuriating, and at the very least, putting off. The reason is extremely simple. Agreed many people do make fun of intelligence and label it as showing off. Yet, there are a decent amount who do indeed wish to make conversation and are genuinely interested in what we have to say. The deal with being passionate about something involves making more people aware of what you believe in and what you are passionate about. It's not a worry about whether your language is watered down or whether others will judge you too harshly. True, layman's language is normal, but then again, there's nothing wrong in using it.

Whenever we meet, we talk the way we want to. We don't need to water down our language in front of others, but hey, no need to make them feel inadequate because they don't know what posterior means.

Cheers and good notions

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