Wait, that doesn’t give the necessary stress, let’s try italics.
People are manipulative. Yes, people. There. That’s better. I like it.
Whenever anyone says the word “People” (There you go, italics again) these days, my face goes into a sneer. A sneer which looks just like the one in the photo. Come to think of it, I think my friend who shot it said “Say… People!” instead of the usual “…Cheese!” or “…Baloney!” I have already written about the She-Woman. That (her included) is the kind of people I’m talking about.
I am not talking about genteel, well-groomed people. I’m talking of a set who exist a social rung lower than that. Well, alright, I haven’t really been among the lower dregs, the gruel-and-sometimes-used-up-footwear-eating section of the public, so I cannot really say whether the people I’m referring to occupy that stratum. But I’m sure, even if they are outwardly prosperous, in their scant, scurvy, paltry, measly little souls, they do come rather low in the evolution chart.
They think they can get away with anything. They think they can insult you, wound you, and then, when things need to get done, come and grovel at your feet, and they, these people, expect you to relent. How miserable, how small, how derisorily desultory, how delightfully pathetic!
Fools. Manipulation: they think it is sugary words coated with flattery, pleading, cooing and fawning, gelled sentences. Fools.
It must be drilled into the vast vacuums that swirl inside their empty skulls that they cannot take everyone for granted, that there are things called tact and diplomacy, and they cannot be bought at a 40% (flat!) discount at the neighbourhood Big Bazaar. They cannot treat other people (who, being relatively decent, do not deserve the scorn of italics) like excrement.
No, I am not going to elaborate the event that led to this rant. That involves disclosing information about things I'd rather not go into.
It’s just that I hate being used, and that is what is happening. There. That sentence is oblique enough to convey my disgust, and direct enough to convey my scorn, and start you thinking. Maybe, as time goes by and I mellow with age, maybe then I’ll name names and point fingers and maybe then I will aim, fire and kill someone.
Maybe. But for now I can only rant impotently. At least I can do this much.
I know it is of no use ranting, but it is a much needed catharsis. Though I wish I could ask all those people to read this, and how I wish they would have the sheer human decency to feel bad. But I can’t, and they won’t, anyhow. So let’s leave it at that.
But, when you think about it... If you do not have people, then maybe, one wouldn't appreciate the good, decent ones around.. I know, this sounds more like an excuse, rather than anything else,but how else can anyone console themselves???? I mean, can you imagine, being around these people for the rest of our lives???
I agree with the squat one. Were there no people, who'd recognize the non-people(UnPeople, in Newspeak) for what they are? In an analogous way, if it were not for boring, normal people(like me, for instance), who would be noticed for being interesting and a cut apart from the rest?
Stay away from whoever these people are. They're making you do this:- catharsis
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