Sunday, April 02, 2006

How do they do it?

Random Tandem member No.2 aka V would like to dedicate this post to his little sister:

How do they do it? It always amazes me. Whenever I've been in a relationship, and it's ended, it always seems so much easier for the other person to just let go. Say goodbyes, and I hope we can still be friends, etc etc. How do they do it? Is it that easy? Do people indeed just change overnight? You go from I love you's to How are you's. Not the easiest thing to do for me atleast. I don't say the others are heartless, but I am amazed.

This is not just something I'm just ranting about. I always make the mistake of falling in love with every woman I've ever been with, and although I very rarely admit it, I know the truth. Most times, it takes me a heck of a long time to even try and think of anything else. But it seems extremely easy for others. Maybe they don't feel. Strongly, that is. Or maybe they do an amazing job of hiding it, and carrying on with their normal lives.

I don't critique, but I sure would like to always know that it's as hard for someone else as it is for me. After I've been dumped, the last thing I want to feel is that I just can't seem to move on. Maybe i just want the sun to shine down upon me again. Is that too much to ask?

Hope exists. Always. Just need to want to feel it.

Take care gruesome. I hope it'll get better for you.

Makes you wonder doesn't it?


Arjun Sharma said...

Atleast you've been dumped(assuming I gleaned it right from your post). Some of us(ok fine, me) have never even been picked up. Think of those more miserable than you, hombre, and cheer up.

Gutterflower said...

Thankyou. I am deeply grateful.