Monday, December 25, 2006

Silent Bloody Night

- A Rant by K.
They started testing the loudspeakers at around six in the evening. I could feel unmentionable parts of my body (like the follicles of the hair on my head) quiver as wave upon wave of noise crashed into the walls of my house. And then, curse and blast it all, came through the hideously mutilated tunes of someone trying to sing ‘Silent Night, Holy Night’.
Apparently the speakers weren’t set right.

Another half an hour of MAYHEM, BEDLAM and SHIVAJINAGAR-AT-SIX-IN-THE-EVENING ensued.

About two hours later, two hours that I spent in mortal agony, children trickled out like the last drops of water from your kitchen tap when the water tank above your house just goes empty. They trickled out merrily, and their parents oozed out after them – these belong, in general, to a species much larger than that of the children, who, compared to these, are but ants to a behemoth – raising the general level of noise to Ungodly (or is it UnGodly?) levels.

I think Dante met up with Ser H.G. Wells, traveled forward through the time machine and by mistake came into the gardens outside our apartment, on the evening of the twenty-fourth of December, 2006. He came and he saw and he conkered. He saw the people milling about, the children screaming, the generally demoniac screeching of the loudspeakers, and he thought (to himself): “Now, wot shall we call this, my precioussss???” and several minutes later, came up with a brilliant word, so brilliant, so ethereally SEXY that he went back to his own time, and said to himself again (Great writers always talk to themselves, please note.): “Oi!!! Such a luverly idea-rr as that should be written about!!!” and he started his greatest work, to write about the Capital of Hell, PANDEMONIUM. My place. Of course, he started with some rot about how he came unknowing into the great dark forest, this forbidding place where every fear is renewed (“Which in the very thought renews the fear,” as Longfellow translated it), but you can get the general picture.

After M. Alighieri had come and gone, the party really began. My god. I have never seen such a thing in all my life. The term Bacchanalian would have to be retailored to fit this night. All in the name of celebrating Christmas Eve, these people decided to try, with just acoustics, to tear the roofs from the buildings around.

It’s a wonder the police didn’t catch them at it, seeing as this revel went on till around one in the night (I checked the time). I heard every kind of evil music, from the tunes of Dhoom 2, to all the possible Bollywood hits made all the more vulgar by the addition of the morphed Second-Millenium equivalent of that Eighties and Early Nineties phenomenon called “Jhankaar Beats”.

These people had hired some other people to see that the sound levels were kept insanely high, and the hired hands kept to their task well. Too well. (Indeed, if I’d been an Eighteenth Century writer, I’d have called them ‘Swarthy Ruffians, with a most evil glint in their eyes.’ But suffice it to say that these were probably from another echelon altogether, indeed, such a different echelon, that I could picture them in Tyre Advertisements for the Rural areas, under the motto of the ‘Echelon Man’.
Humour, ran away with me.)

I am sure half those kids will be deaf for the rest of the week (as will most of the senior residents), and most of them will still be breathing out the smoke that they inhaled in copious quantities during the bash.

It was horrible. And if this is the way we are going to usher in one of the most peaceful times of the year, I am extremely sorry.

We have never behaved this way on my home planet.

Bloody Humans!!!


Thus Spake Monolith - From K With Love

Great comments like this (Great both in length and Yoda-ness) ought to be treated with some respect. And of course, add to this the excitement that I feel about the fact that my value and my importance in the scheme of things on this great planet of ours is going to be gauged by none other than a pre-eminent Jedi Master!!! Ooo-er!!!

Here it is in full:

This very famous theatre person whom you respect very much...did he know that he was getting into theatre when he was doing his engineering?? I am guessing no. But he followed his heart. And that is all that we can do. Follow our hearts. They may take us through pain, suffering, take us to the depths of despair, to the very edge of the chasm of hopelessness. But we must continue to follow them or we lose our raison d’être! So follow your heart. And if your heart says no, then no it is. If it says yes then plough on and you will eventually see the light. Take it from someone who has been doing that for 14 years. I will make it. I am confident. Perhaps I am alone in that confidence. But I don’t care. I feel that this is my time. I will succeed. Your time of clarity will come soon. You have realised your dilemma. You will find the solution. The first step is faith. And the next 6 months. And to borrow from Rae's theme “The Force is with you, young Skywalker. But you are not a Jedi yet.”

Advice seems to be the best medicine, and I greatly appreciate it.

Dankeschon, Herr Ubermensch.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Quagmire Called Confusion - K

I’m confused.
And I’ll be thrice-damned and say it thrice again. I’m confused. I’m confused. I’m confused.

Extremely uncomfortable stage of life to be confused in, but there it is. No, I don’t mean that I’m plagued by the normal fears: love, acceptance, fame, blah. What I’m confused about is my future, six months from now.

Six months from now, I’d have finished my engineering. All my heart wants is that I get into theatre and writing, my two passions. But I’m afraid that may not be so easy. That’s where the confusion comes in.

Torn between getting a job right after my engineering, and doing what I love. Add to this the fact that of the few people I’d have loved to work with, one is bogged down by career and work, unable to meet any sort of schedule (I’m not playing the blame-game, just citing the reality of the situation); and another two will leave exactly at the time I finish my course (July ’07 or thereabouts): one to learn his craft and another to ply his trade. Plodding on alone is not something that seems such an attractive prospect.

And then, someone whom I admire greatly said yesterday that looking back now, from his position as a very famous theatre artiste, probably one of the true greats in the field, he was regretful of the fact that he had done his Engineering and thereby had probably wasted someone else’s seat, since he anyway got into theatre.
Though this struck a very painful chord, I cannot even say that, because I don’t know for sure whether I am getting into theatre or not.

I’m writing, a hell of a lot, and – to borrow a British idiom – slavering away at it like Billy-O, and even in that I haven’t reached that stage where I can confidently take my oeuvre of work to a publishers’. Hence all this blog-ranting.

And this is what is causing all the aforementioned confusion: the variety of future careers I can choose from and the uncertainty that I feel about taking the decision.

I don’t think the feeling’s going to go away anytime soon.


Saturday, December 23, 2006

YULETIDE me over

This post is by V
Seriously, it's just me!!!!

Greetings. It's been a mixed bag of feelings so far. I am back home, something I have been eagerly awaiting since weeks. I've met friends, well-meaning relatives who made not-so-discreet whispers to my mum about how thin I have become, I've hung out with my parents and realized that they aren't so bad provided I don't live with them 24/7 and managed to get some good writing done. Sounds like fun eh??

And yet, not surprisingly, I manage to find myself in what the Monolith appropriately terms a "Funk". Ingredients:

1) More mood swings than before

2) Long periods of Silence

3) Just a dash of pensiveness

4) Long Solitary walks

5) Self-conversations for that extra blah!!!

Volia!!!! The perfect funk!! Serves one round of depression.
Warning: Excessive indulgence may lead to prolonged loneliness!!!!!

Jokes aside, I found myself turning increasingly to my oldest confidante, the sea. All around me, the season of merriment continues in full swing. The roads are decorated with fake snow, Santa Clauses are "Ho Ho Ho'ing at every street corner, boughs of holly deck every hall and Jingle bells are ringing everywhere. Yuletide spirit has replaced the traditional pollution. However, with my mood being the way it was, I thought I'd be spending the holiday spouting "BAH!! HUMBUG!!" at anyone who even dared think the words "Merry Christmas!"

It all changed two days ago. I was on one of my solitary walks at night when I heard a group of carol singers singing songs that reminded me of school days and the accompanying innocence. Louder and louder the music grew, as I stood entranced to the spot. And then, my personal Christmas miracle happened. Without my knowledge, my lips had started singing and my feet had started tapping.....

"....and then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say,
"Rudolph with your nose so bright,
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?...."

It made for an odd symphony, a bunch of carol singers on one side, and a solitary figure on the other. But we still sang on, and then some more. At the end of it, we crossed paths and smiled greetings to each other and just being merry. As I returned home, I suddenly found my heart a lot lighter than when I had left.

My life may not exactly be rosy, but I think I'll get back to the gloom on tuesday. After all, there'll be no sad faces on Christmas.

So, "HO HO HO, and a pound of Fruitcake!!"

Merry Christmas Everybody!!!


Thursday, December 14, 2006

My Year End Article (Couldn't Resist) - K

(An article by K in the lines of similar articles by V-Dude and the Monolith, fellow writers; in keeping with the accepted formats used thereof. Michael Caine.)
Strange. It’s the Year End. And everyone’s writing about it. "Me too! Me too!" screams my pen, and I oblige. Noblesse and all that.

Wonder what this year was the year of. The Buffalo? The Yellow Lizard? The Morbid Hippopotamus? Whatever it is, it is
I’ve lived another three hundred and sixty five days. I’ve seen sunshine and rain, whisky and vodka (and have served them too). I have seen palm leaves casting wriggling shadows on broken panes of glass. I have seen purple and red strobes of lights caressing the dust on an empty stage. I have had water poured on me for another man’s whim; I have seen men cackling over the wanton killing of a Jedi Master when in the guise of an Engineer (all that for a shotgun :-) !!); men laughing over a game of Uno with steaming cups of black coffee at three in the morning.
I have made many successful DVD conquests, and for that I thank my fellow Conquistadoré. (You great!!!)

I have basked in the sunshine of a woman’s love for over one and three quarters of a year. I thank her for that.

Resolutions? I didn’t make any last year, so I have broken none. this year too shall be the same. Safer for me.

I am also grateful to the friends I have made, to the worlds they have opened up for me, to the realities I have seen through their eyes.

It is with an aching in my heart that I mourn the passing of another year, but it is with some semblance of joy that I welcome a new one.

All ye who shall go home for the holidays, enjoy thyselves (and I look forward to meeting thee upon thy return). All ye who shall accompany me in final exams in December (starting on Christmas Eve), here’s a sincere wish that we may all come through unscathed.

Live well.


Yahoo!!! The Year End is here

This is a post by V
Seriously, it's only Me!!!

I borrowed the idea for this post from the Monolith. I hope he does forgive me!!!

This is the first full year I have spent away from home for a long, long time, and I'm sure people are sick of my constant complaints of homesickness. So am I. So this post is not to say how homesick I have been, or will continue to be until I return home for good. Instead, this is a sort of "This is your life" segment in retrospect.

This year has been interesting. To be quite frank, it didn't start all that great, and hasn't improved tremendously, but it's gone by. Hence, perhaps the jubilation that the year is finally ending. Also, I look back and realise that I haven't learnt much from the things I have done. I probably will still go about making the same old mistakes again and again. So, all in all, 2006 is over...there is some amount of gladness, but pretty much a huge feeling of relief. The relief stems from the fact that I can clean out my slate for this year and start with a brand new piece of chalk and a blank slate to fill with next year's experiences.

However, I have learnt certain things..most of them eye opening...

I learnt that I'm not the only person who hates people butting into their lives.

I learnt that nice guys do indeed finish last. I also realised that I can't be anything but that.

I learnt that I may have my issues and my imperfections and faults. I also realised that I'd be bored if I were anybody else.

I learnt that you can't always shut out your heart. It will find it's way into the picture sooner or later and try and dominate your life.

I also learnt how not to let it do too much of that. Heh.

I learnt that I'm not that great an actor, but I still do enjoy being on stage..or atleast I used to.

I learnt that life doesn't stop because I am upset. Suck it up and get going. That's my new motto!!

I also had the good fortune of finding out what several people actually thought about me. It's good to know the truth, no matter how bitter.

Watching movies alone is not a bad thing at all!!

Each day gone is another day closer to departure. The countdown has begun!!

I've learnt that older friends, once they get rid of their parent views about me, are really the coolest friends you can every have. Monolith, Therapy, Rae and Thinkpotty, this one's aimed at you.

I really do have the best of both worlds in several ways.

My life really doesn't suck as much as it does. It still sucks, but not that much.

Falling in love, at ANY age, is still a lot easier than falling out of it. Comforting to know that my troubles aren't age-specific.

Sometimes. books can be better company than human beings.

There will always be tomorrows, and tomorrow will always bring a promise of something new. Just as one year ends, there will be another one beginning. There's still time for me to do all the things I want to do before I become one among the millions who travel along the same routine path. There's more challenges and more adventures...newer people to meet and swap embarassing stories with....better places to visit....and most importantly, more chances to follow my heart and hope that it will stick with me this time around.

There's a whole new bunch of stuff waiting for me. Any wonder why I love this time of the year??

The chill is in the air, but so's the spirit of cheer and good old fashioned hope. Drink it in my friends. Drink it in.

In Advance



Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Travel- By V

Travel, writing and reading constitute my major passions. Discovering that it was indeed possible to fulfill all three at one time was one of my greatest discoveries. Making plans impulsively, going to the nearest bus depot, seeing which destination looks exotic enough, often settling for destinations whose names I couldn't pronounce-these thrills are almost unmatched.

Travelling by local transport gives glimpses and insights into local lives and allows you to experience the legendary local flavor. Be it travelling by a rickety bus wheezing and groaning it's way up a hill from Solapur to Thuljapur, or taking the ferry across Goa and hearing Konkani folk music and smellling the aroma of freshly caught fish on the way to the market may not sound appealing to most, but at that time, they are the best feelings and scents ever. If you travel by local transport as opposed to high-end Volvo buses, you meet all different avataars of people ranging from the Indian cyclops (the tourist with the camera permanently attached to his face) to the local know-it-alls and the occasional cool older person who shares his smokes with others.

Things I love about travelling range from making friends with complete strangers , joining a spontaneous game of antakshaari where melody and tune really don't matter, meeting the occasionally unaccompanied pretty woman.....AHHHH!!! Good times!!

My most memorable journeys include a 30 hour bus ride from Mumbai to Bangalore in a bus that had more cargo than passengers, a solitary trup to Lonavala which served as the starting point for a trek, and a monsoon visit to Goa at the age of 17. The last mentioned was my first impulsive journey and hence, will remain my most cherished memory.

I know I ramble a lot about being lonely and how much it bugs me. But travelling alone afforded me a freedom that all the solitude wouldn't even match. The freedom to do whatever I want without having to submit to another's wish, the freedom to stay in the cheapest hotel and not care as long as I had a bed to rest my head and a roof to keep the rains out. Lovely!!

I miss travelling. But soon, I shall have some more free time on my hands. Perhaps I sahll be able to bring my haversack down from it's dusty perch, don my travel cargoes, head towards the bus depot and then go in whichever direction my feet might lead me.

Perhaps there is time for some more adventure.

And so


Exams-By V

I walked into the newly re-christened (or so I thought) Bengalooru University only to find out that the name remained the same. However, the building has indeed gone in for an upgrade. No longer was it the ramshackle structure in which I wrote my first semester exams, the building where I was more petrified about the ceiling crumbling off onto my head rather than the fact that I knew nothing in the exam. Nor was it the half built structure where I gave my second semester examinations. This is an uber-modern structure with books I'd probably love to own when I make my first million, and facilities to die for. Ahhh....heaven!!!

Yes yes, I am getting to the point....

I wasn't here to praise Bangalore University campus. I was here to write about the funny feelings that exams invoke within me. I don't mean ha ha funny..more a sort of a mixed bag. I am usually nervous, but then again who isn't? It's the semester exams, and nervousness is the only normal feeling I get.

There is also a certain longing to meet people I met during the previous times I wrote my examinations. One of them has become a really good friend of mine over the course of the years. It's kinda nice actually to be one among a sea of students all waiting anxiously for the teachers to start distributing the papers, and look around and see more people.

I also end up feeling scared, not wanting to do my usual last exam stupid things. In my first semester, I ended up mimicking my external examiner's funny accent, then looking up at my invigilator's ashen face and realizing, with sudden dread, that she was right behind me. In my second semester, the same dread was again re-kindled with the realization that she was again my external examiner, and in my haste to beat it out of the viva session as soon as I was done, I ended up trying a half-running half-skating motion leading me to miss the entrance to my classroom completely, slip in a mighty puddle, which was conveniently placed outside the room, and colliding head-first with the Head Of The Department. Again, I couldn't wait to get out of there fast enough. But, there is an upside to everything. If i didn't have these mad things happen to me all the time. I wouldn't be me. The external smiled at me on my way to my classroom, and the now former head of the department gave me a broad smile and wished me the very best of luck for a potentially tough paper, which lightened my mood instantly. What will I do this time? Well, they've only started..the final day is still ten days away...let the suspense build I say.

The final feeling completing this mixed bag is a sort of a wearied happiness....the start of the examinations means that the term is almost done....the countdown has begun....I get a break, I get some time to myself, and most importantly, I get to go home. So, a kind of nervous longingness builds itself in my heart as I remove my pad, check if my hall ticket is firmly attached, smile at my friend from another college, and walk in, once again, to sit in the seat which, as always is too small for me.

Somehow, I really don't mind. I'm going home.



Friday, November 24, 2006

Time to smile again??-By V

Nostalgia has kicked in, it's that time of the year again when the temperatures drop and sleep eludes me yet again. Times like these, my mind starts wandering, and I return to thoughts of things gone by, and the direction my life is taking. These are the times when I think about things I really hate to think about, thoughts that underline the change that has swept through me.

It was with great happiness that I learnt that a couple of my friends from back home were dropping by our recently renamed city for a fleeting visit. Natural talks of "Let's meet up, dude", several follow-up phone calls to ensure that the meeting up actually happened, and we met over coffee at my neighborhood coffee house. I hadn't met these guys for ages now, and meeting them just brought back all the feelings of homesickness that I have tried to fight off for the greater part of two years. We just talked about college days, and other stuff that guys talk about..who's seeing whom, what's everyone else doing in life, etc...Shortly, discovering that my mind and my mouth cuold function as two complete seperate entities, I let my mind wander. Thoughts of home, my friends, my old life all came flooding back. It's only been two years since I left home, but it feels like an eternity. I've left way too many things behind-my private spot on the rocks, where I could just sit and watch the ocean for hours, the coffee house which my best friend and I had made ourselves so much at home, my best friend, not to mention the only woman I probably ever fell in love with...even something as inane as MY bed. Thinking of all this made me smile, a tad wistfully, but a smile all the same.

"Dude!", said my friend, interrupting my reverie," that is the first real smile I've seen on your face all evening. Boy, you've sure changed!" DId he really have a point? Had I really stopped smiling?? Maybe he is right. I can't remember the last time I was truly happy, the last time I smiled because I meant it, not just out of politeness. And have I really changed all that much? I went from being Mr. Popular back home to Mr. Nobody here. I learnt to deal with it, eventually, even fancying myself as a bit of a loner, but everything has a limit. A few moments of time to yourself or solitude is sought after by all, but everytime i walk into a restaurant, remove my book and read because I have nobody to talk to, everytime i go through my phone book to see who I can call and talk to, everytime i see a large group of people sitting together and having a ball of a time, everytime I walk into my classroom and see the rows and rows of empty benches and realize that there is nobody around to fill them, the loneliness hits me like an anvil falling onto the head of Wily Coyote.

Perhaps I have changed, Perhaps the facade has finally slipped. In many ways, I may remain an overgrown child, but in many ways, I've grown up far more over these past two years than I might have.

I may have been broken, several times in this period, but I know I always manage to bounce back. I guess growing up is good, change is necessary, and solitude is but a passing phase.

Perhaps it is time to smile again.


Of Making out, Phlegm and Much Much More!! - by V.

I just finished a play. Maybe not as much as the other actors but I did my part. I will remember this play for a long time, not because the acting was so terrific, not because i adored the script, not because I amazed even myself by doing it in 3 days flat... I adored it for sheer ineptitude, incompetence and disinterest. Not to mention almost falling from a roof 40 feet high. It is a long story involving jute. Trust dont want to know.

The advantage of doing a play is that you get to meet that rare species of human beings known as the theatre going audience. There were 3 days of this show and all 3 days gave me a glimpse into various sub-strata of this rare species. In order I will list V's top categories of the avreage theatre goer.

Day 1: I had to strain my eyes to find a memeber of the audience. Perhaps it was because I was not wearing my glasses. On this day we are introduced to the making out audience. These particular creatures always function as a pair, some more effective than others. The object is to minimise boredom and maximise excitement. Excitement for them and entertainment for us who managed to see them. Dont ask me why I was staring at a couple making out, especially considering that the girl was my ex-girlfriend.

Day 2: This day we a re introduced to a more civilised audience. Not a peep out of them throughout the show. Several times we had to have the lights focused into the audience to make sure they were actually there. Again, we meet a couple of specimens of the making out species. This was more raw...more animalistic. Sort of a "chomp off the jaw" genre. But then again technique is only refined with practice. I think there are more plays coming up. Ample time for practice I would say.

Day 3: By this time the actors have also realised that the only entertainment we are providing is to ourselves. And perhaps the harassed stage manager. Our third day audience was a mixture of the refined and the raw. On this day we are introduced to the species calles the "Coughers". Not to be mistaken for the well off, more the phlegmatic type if i may borrow an expression from Hippocrates. Allow me to give an example.

Cast member: Vaaatar..(Something unintelligible that was supposed to be water... I think.)

Now we observe a very peculiar phenomena. From the bottom left of the audience came a sound suspiciously akin to a snicker. It was a cough. from there it spread to the next row. And the next row. And the next and so on and so forth. It was sort of like a mexican wave with phlegm. Not to be outdone, the actors took it upon themselves to join in the chorus. From backstage came a sound that sounded suspiciously like "frigging morons". That was the stage manager. Probably to drown that out an actor on stage let out a really loud wail which originally was supposed to sound like "oh no!" but ended up sounding like a lion in orgasmic ecstacy. By now the actors and the audience were all one, each trying to out do the other. Which led to a very cacophonic symphony. "Cough cough"..."Vaaatar!!"...."Frigging morons"... "awwwww nooooooooooo!" interspersed with song and one very loud "AIYEEEEEEE!!!!" followed by a loud thud, which may have been the stage manager collapsing but was most probably just another actor knocking into a light or a prop backstage. Or potentially your honest blogger walking into a door. Somewhere in the midst of all this, we suddenly remembered that we had a play to finish and went for the curtain call... all incredibly smug about a very interactive performance. Group theatre at its best!

Somewhere out there a battlefield is still burning and the Monolith is still smoking.

As the lights fade out, one last time we hear "cough cough".."thud"... and "Frigging Morons!!!!"

This is Random Tandem member no. 2, V, reminding you, watch more plays. We need the money.


Sunday, November 19, 2006

To: VV

(This article is dedicated to a very sweet lady, to whom I made a promise… that promise is now here, in words…

It is strange when a building can evoke in you a response all out of proportion with the occasion. Was it because the building was my alma mater, or was it because it was the 25th anniversary of the school? Was it because I was compere, same as I was for the last three years of school life?

Or was it…?

Was it because the same, beautiful girl who’d stood next to me one that last Annual Day was standing next to me this time also?

Can time juxtapose feelings? Can a place carry memories? Maybe all the lives that passed through that old school building left their traces… imagine…
The lives, the games, the loves and the crushes of thousands of students, left behind in names scratched on fading paint, in marks on trees and in smashed glass…maybe those memories can talk…

And maybe they did talk, to me, yesterday… Another scene played itself out to me as I stood there, announcing the day’s schedule. The scene of a youth, torn between love and despair, standing mute, wondering whether to grieve at the end of his school days or to grieve at the fact that he would be leaving someone behind…someone just an arm’s length away, and a truth waiting to be told…


I wondered how we all change, how something that could’ve meant life or death to me in school, was now something for me to smile at, as a fallacy of my jeunesse dorée. A smile must have come on to my face, or the beginning of tears, I don't know.

But people were looking at me, and so, memories of love put aside, another (though less truthful) smile on my face, I went ahead

and announced the next program.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

And in the Darkness, Demons…

A Short Short-Story by K.

[Author’s note: This Biercean story/piece was inspired by the semi-mythical nature of certain events. The friend in whose house this happened will most certainly recognize mentions of them – and him – in the story; I request him to kindly forgive this trespass on my part, to forgive a writer’s enthusiasm for having twisted the facts. I am not portraying you, friend. The characters are mine own. Still, I apologise if anything comes across in the wrong sense.
Please forgive me.]

We are two scared men; living together. All alone. We dread the coming of the night; dread the visitations of our nightmares, our fears made flesh. Strange how in this time of demystification, of pooh-poohing of myth how the human mind conjures up images scarier than those any myth ever produced…strange…

The door groans as it is pushed open. The brand new, shiny steel lock glints against faded wood and rusty iron. The large house is empty and dark. The wooden rafters creak as they settle in for the night, tired from a long day of stretching and shrinking to the heat. The walls breathe, exhaling the miasma of years of accumulated smoke and whisky. The tang, with the odour of cigarettes and single-malt Scotch drifting behind it, assaults our nostrils.
He looks at me: I can see the tiredness in his eyes, as he can see the weariness in mine. Apathetic and disillusioned smiles stretch our faces. He motions towards the hall, his other hand making as though to hold a bottle. I understand. Time for M. Daniels. Silver Select. With ice.

The whisky is well inside us now, with a small amount of water. Heads are beginning to spin. The whisky educes humour, but behind our laughter we can see Hysteria grin, see Madness peer out from the unfathomable depths of Fear…The laughter is quickly silenced…there is work to be done. And it is getting late. Outside, a crow caws. The sound is so harsh it sets my teeth on edge; an involuntary shiver racks my body. I look at him, nod. He nods back. We do not speak. Stillness…
He goes into his room, to work and listen to music, his refuge against the demons. I return the bottle and glasses to the kitchen. The hall lights are silenced. Trees rustle outside and I know it is the wind but my mind…I can see images of horrendous beings clambering over the leaves, dribbling, slavering, peering in at the windows…A shadow moves across the shutters and I imagine red eyes looking into mine…
A scream tries to let itself out, but I prevent that, gagging in my dread…I do not want to scare the both of us. Failure has already made us weak. I take a book, and retire to my room. I shout goodnight so he can hear me but the sound is so loud it shakes our very souls…his mumbled response follows me inside my room. The window in the wall is open, it has no shutters. There is nothing scarier than waking up at an ungodly hour and trying to make sense of the shadows therein.
Mysterious creaks and midnight sounds leak into the room, the moonbeams seem to swish and whisper as they slide over the sheets…A rat squeaks. The book is no help, so I try to silence jangled nerves by reading out aloud.

Big mistake, for soon I can hear spectral voices chanting in cadence to mine…twisting the words…Being a Professor of Occult Studies is no used when you are scared: you can only give names to your fears…And I see the letters forming before my eyes…an innocent sentence…‘might like Ken…’ I see the starting letters…
m…l…k….MLK…Hebrew…Melekh...The King…But the Masoretic vocalisation reads Mōloch…The Devil…

Bosheth! Shameful thing! Get away from me!!! “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour...”

I cannot stand it anymore, the words scream thmselves out my throat…Vade retro me Satana!!! Get thee behind me, Satan!!!

And then the meaning sinks through. I hear a rustle behind me, I turn round. But not fast enough…I can only see the swinging of the curtains…Something behind it must have moved…
I cannot stand it anymore. I get up, I run out of the room nto the darkness…I cannot find the light switch… VADE RETRO ME SATANA!!! I blindly rush to the main door, yanking it open, as behind me I hear two voices uplifted in song. Loud, very loud… “Regrets, I've had a few; But then again, too few to mention…” He takes his refuge in Sinatra. The same song plays through the night, a million times, till he has sung himself hoarse, and then Sinatra sings alone, keeping fiends at bay…
I rush out into the cold night, to the night of anonymous sounds, to the night of unknown insects making their insect sounds into the dank cold air, the night of Ba’al Mōloch, of Belial and Abaddon…
Behind me, there is the house, and Sinatra and darkness…
And in the darkness, demons…

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I Don't Want To Be Me

With due apologies to all those who think song lyrics do not form appropriate blog entries, I wish to paste below a song by Ian Anderson. I love the lyrics. And it kind of matches my mood right now (and the mood of someone else, I am thinking...)

I Don't Want To Be Me
by Jethro Tull
(Words: Ian Anderson)

Got a grand house out in the country.
Marble pillars holding the door.
Empty bottles lining the wall from the night before.
Got a Roller out in the garage.
But the wheels are stuck to the floor.
Got no reason to go anywhere--no friends call anymore.
I don't want to be me,
I don't want to be me,
I know it's hard to see,
But I don't want to be me.

Had me playing down at the palace.
I was declared the belle of the ball.
Made the boys take my goods and chattels away--
now I'm staring at an empty hall.
I don't want to be me.

Pardon me--I'm on my way.
Pardon me but I'm going.
Taking on the simple life and I feel the grass roots growing.
I'm going to ride the ragged road--
diamond spurs jangling into the sunset.
No circuits running overload--
Well maybe I'm not done yet.

Now there's nothing left in the cupboard
and three bears' been eating my soup.
My life is one big critical mess if you take a look.
And the butler's off in Ibiza on expense account gone berserk.
But I can't check out of this crazy world
without being a jerk--
I don't want to be me.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

K’s Top 10 Reasons to Leave Bangalore (In Increasing Order of Importance) ®

1) BENGALOORU. I do not think I need to say more. That name does it.
2) We’ll go with the classics now: POLLUTION
3) All the roads need restructuring and replanning.
4) Traffic SUCKS. There is NO road sense or sense of any other kind.
5) Public transport SUCKS. Drivers have no road sense, no manners, they are often indifferent and treat passengers like SHIT.
6) The people are indifferent, most of the time. Everyone wants to have only their way in the city, which is very irritating.
7) (Now we get down to brass tacks) ZERO NIGHT LIFE. Everything closes by eleven and the only places which do not get raided by the police and foster criminal cases about our rich scions.
8) Entertainment sucks. There is literally nothing to do if you’re not a shop- or a spend-aholic. (Though I guess this is true about every other city as well)
9) Smoking banned on stage. Now theatre artistes have to pay a fine (it’s HUGE) if they have a play featuring smoking, and they will have to justify the reasons. CRAP.
10) Smoking banned in movies. No more movies will be made featuring anyone smoking. And some IDIOT wants to ban screenings of all movies heretofore made which feature smoking. GOODBYE Bachchan, Shotgun Sinha, Devdas, Bogart, Wayne, all our heroes. Goodbye Tarantino.


Loving Regards,

Friday, November 03, 2006

K's Totally meaningless Poem - 1

Early in the morning, as I lie awake in bed,
Memories of last night runnin’ thru my head,
A song comes screeching right through the wall,
It’s my sister playing ‘Don’, sitting in the hall.

The remixed and re-mastered version of a classic
Makes me groan like some monster most Jurassic,
And as the singer tries to gyrate like Kareena Kapoor,
To them I feel like doin’ what was done to Tupac Shakur.

And then as the tempo shifts through the music blaster
I realise my sister has turned and started playing ‘Bluffmaster.’
The songs make gorge and bile rise in my throat,
As another stifled little scream dies in my throat.

How I wish someone’d play Sabbath or even the Stones
Instead of this shit that rattles all my bones.
Even as I sit in bed trying not to throw up,
I realise I just have to let my sister grow up.

And thus, cursing this setup, I groan and stretch,
Feeling – after all that – like a perfect little wretch.
And still the music comes at me, twisted and ugly…
I run into the loo, screaming –

Addendum for Monolith:

Groop I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes,
And after you have read all the worst of my pomes,
And hooptiously drangle me
You will happily strangle me
With crinkly bindlewurdles
As I get through the hurdles…
Or I will rend thee in gobberwarts with my burglecruncheon
As I read my next poem during our next luncheon.
See if I don’t.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Apologia et Corrigendum

*WARNING!!! This Poem is by K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously!!!!*

My apologies to V-Dude,
Late as it might be,
For people just don’t see, dude,
This was written by me.

It must’ve been so boring
And so incredibly vast,
And I can’t go imploring
That you go right to the last.

Yes, Monolith may read,
And Rae may comment,
As may another breed
Of a literary bent.

All right!
Let me stop this moonlighting,
And all this shammin’
I guess I’m just writing
For the Middle-Class Brahmin.


Saturday, October 28, 2006

My Problems With Language

All right. There’s originals and there’s originals. And there’s the shameless Indian copies of the same. Songs, music pieces, movies, car chases from movies TV Shows, Reality Shows, and just about everything else. We, relinquishing the need to further our understanding and appreciation of our own Indian-ness, have even usurped the English language, and – to be fair to us, and to me, since I’m writin’ in it now – we have done a bloody good job of making it our own.

Such a dam’ good job that:
We are proud of flaunting it. We are proud of all our Booker nominees and winners and our Nobel Winners and our NY Times Bestseller list-making authors.

But, let’s face it, there’s some shockingly bad English out there that just jars my senses. Oh I know, I know, some will say I’m prejudiced, and others will smile, but this is serious.

If we want to woo firangs with English, let’s at least get it right!!!

I’m not talking about auto-drivers (curse that arrogant breed!) or waiters using bad language, or even incorrect grammar/English; I’m not talking about hippie wannabe software professionals and their faux accents. I’m talking BIG LEAGUE here.
The Times of India.

F’r Chrissakes!!!! They bill themselves as the most widely read paper in the country (or was it Asia? The specifics escape my memory).

Read this article. Though the blood boils at the tales of the VIP Brats (I shall apply my immense intellect to that problem just a little while later), one thing catches the eye. One thing brings the bile to the throat, one thing jars.
This sentence:
“The car and the two bikes dashed sideways.”

DASHED sideways???? Who are you, O Writer??? A school-kid??? Dashed indeed! And this person starts off with high-falutin’ stuff about ‘kin of prominent personalities running amok’. Jesus.

Another sentence on a neighbouring article begins ‘Even as the shocked Deve Gowda’s clan…’ Plurals v/s apostrophes, anyone??? Singular noun followed by plural verb? Someone who sees that as proper English deserves flak on a Gargantuan scale. I would say nothing if my seven year old cousin did it, or even my classmate. But someone writing a headliner article for one of the world’s top newspapers??? I cannot let it go. And what happened to the World-Class editing? The Proof-readers???

Okay. Maybe these are isolated incidents (we’ll choose to forget such typos that occur everyday, thus exonerating all writers, proofreaders and editors, because it’s too stupid a duel to take up. We will never change. We will always show off and fall flat on our faces. Idiots, we are.)

And now, for the second situation:
This one is HUGE. This one is seriously embarrassing, because it occurs in a place that is supposed to wow all visitors, Indian and otherwise, a place of International importance and cultural relevance.

And it occurs so many times in just that one place that I, being Indian, wanted to run away and hide myself somewhere.

I was on a recent visit to Hyderabad when I happened to visit one of India’s most famous institutions, a place that people from all over the world come to see.
The Salar Jung Museum. The museum is brilliant, the arrangements and the lighting and the exhibits are all impeccable – well, as much as can be granted under the circs. But, the displays. The placards and the brochures that give information about each exhibit. Out of every ten displays, eight have typos, bad grammar, horrible mistakes with names and spellings, and basically, very bad English. Considering that the museum has THOUSANDS of exhibits (and I saw them all), this error count is no mean number.

Displays for such important exhibits as the Veiled Rebecca, the Paintings Gallery, the Indian Sculpture section and such are simply riddled with bad English. Add to this faults about names and places and people, and you get something that’s really embarrassing. This place is supposed to showcase our heritage and our cultural wealth. All it does is show what little care we take. I’m surprised that a museum that boasts collections from Europe and England and indeed, all over the world, takes such little care about what is said about itself on it’s own displays and brochures.

Alright, maybe I’m caring too much about what others will think of us, maybe I’m being too critical on my own nation. Maybe I shouldn’t be making such a big deal, but hey, I would do that same if it were in any other language, let me tell you. Kannada or Tamil or English. We raise so much hullabaloo if any other language is misused, why not this also??

I’m writing from a state that bans a movie because it considers the title offensive to a historical character (and that movie had nothing to do with that character at all, if anyone bothered to watch the first two minutes.)

A state that, to promote writers in its language, is sponsoring English translations of Kannada plays which are Kannada translations of English plays. (e.g. An English Version of P. Lankesh’s Kannada version of Tennessee Williams was on the books, I don’t know if it’s happening. An English adaptation of an English translation of a Kannada work happened a couple of days back – I’m serious: a Kannada play was translated to English which was then altered and adapted and then presented in English. True creativity.)

So I feel justified in saying that either we learn to do things properly, or we quit doing it at all.

Ever vitriolic,
I remain,
Yours truly,

Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Review

Everyone I know said, Everyone we know dies, why do you want to watch it? But I was adamant. I said, No, I’d like to see for myself, if you don’t mind. They gave up. I bought a 3-in-1 DVD, with X-Men I, II and III. I proceeded to watch X-Men III or X-3, as it will go down in movie history.

It was, without doubt, one of the most difficult movies I have ever sat through. I know Brett Ratner is a good man in his own right, but I hope he had nothing to do with the development of the story for X-3. After seeing the cracks in Bryan Singer’s psyche in the way he destroyed Superman Returns, I’d like to think this was also a mistake – that is, I’d like to think that the storyboard for X-3 was also Singer’s baby during his difficult period. I would not like to think that anyone, any writer with a moderate respect for the movies, would go in for such a killing spree as this, unless he was of the mindset to make Superman Returns. That was some serious warped shit, man!

I am a writer. I love characters. I love death as it is portrayed in movies. I am a great fan of both Bergman and Pasolini. But comic book heroes exist in a world of their own. They are entertainment. I love them. I will watch anything. But I will not stand for such endings. You do not simply KILL superheroes.

Alright, sagas (Sagæ, you say, Monlith? Okay, sagæ it is.) – sagæ have to end. I agree. But it is not worth it to simply kill off everyone in the bloody piece. I admit, we knew that Jean was a Class-5 mutant, a Fifth Standard Party, as we know it in Ovar Yindiaa, but there’s no need to make her look like Nemesis reincarnated (and mutated, if you’ll pardon the pun). No need to have good ol’ Wolverine become a cryin’ lover. No need to have Charles X. Xavier show weakness, even if it was a scene of him being bested. The only person’s portrayal I liked was Ian McKellen’s, though even he needn’t have suffered such a fate. Halle Berry again was wasted.

Singer, please quit the Superman Franchise (unless you’re planning to continue with Superman – True Brit) and come back and end X-Men properly.

No, better still, come back and do another X-Men. Let the series not end.

One of the greatest wielders of the English language, and probably THE greatest of all of them thriller writers, Alistair MacLean, put it beautifully, when he had a German, one of the Enemy, say very simply, in one of his novels (Probably THE LAST FRONTIER, or one of the NAVARONE novels):

“No one should die like this. Not even our enemies should die like this.”

This is so very true, when it comes to X-Men III. A remake is needed.

Singer, please oblige.


Thursday, October 12, 2006


My Dear Readers...

The adventures of K-Man and V-Dude was supposed to be the newest post, but as I had saved it under drafts, it has come under random coffee house conversations..Kindly do read, and as always, leave comments...


Random Tandem

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Conversations at a Coffee House

The devoted readers of this blog will remember an article which gave us tremendous insights into the mind of a teeny-bopper. This sort of gives us an overall perspective into the minds of people who visit coffee houses on a rainy sunday evening..

Our conversation begins, as most of mine do, sitting and waiting for someone, who was late. I was early..(kinda goes without saying), and having nothhign else to do, I eavesdropped. All around me, people were seated and conversing. I did not want to be rude, so I decided to just imbibe everything around me.

As i settle down, I take a customary gaze around the place to see if there is anyone I am acquainted with, in order to pass the time while I wait. There is noone. A table away from me, there are two gents who look like the weight of the world is on them. The elder of the two takes a puff from his cigarette and stares at the smoke he has just discharged with a mournful air, as if saying goodbye to a really old friend. The younger of the two is continuing to speak, with an extremely grave air, that seems suspended over that table.

Two tables away from me, two intellectuals are matching their wits in a gripping game of chess....I fight the urge to scream Knight to black 32...kill that queen...I lose...I scream...people look at me wierdly..and I sink back into my chair....

And one table away from that sit my favorite muses...teeny-boppers..both male and female..this crowd is loud..that is consists of three people...two male, and one incredibly attractive girl..I'm all male...I stare..and then, the conversation lifts my moods...

Boy: Macchha..I have reached a monumental decision (here, I am impressed he knows the meaning of the word and can actually pronounce it right,,,but perhaps I am being too harsh)

His two comrades stare at him...mouths agape...probably wondering what new style of jeans is he going to try to buy.

Boy 1: As I said, I have reached a monumental decision

The other male sitting at the table nods, as most friends do, while the girl giggles, as most girls do.

Boy1 : I need a very hot female best friend.

He's got my attention!!!

The other male looks up, lifts an eyebrow and listens. The girl continues to giggle. But suddenly, in the middle of the giggle, she feels the need to ask a question

Girl: But why?

Boy 1: Very simple..See, in all american tv serials, the best friends are always damned hot right?

He looks around for approval, and the friend, with all his frenzied nodding, now starts to look like a thinner version of Silent Bob. I also nod, but i hope they can't see me.

Boy 1: See, now if I have a hot best friend, we'll both go out with all the wrong people initially, and then we'll both realise that we need each other..and we've been right for each other all along.

More frenzied nodding, and even more high-pitched giggling...Personally, I think the other male at the table was wishing that the speaker would just cock up and buy him some coffee, but one msut be supportive, and like most good friends, he did an excellent job.

I decide to move onto the bathroom. Nature was calling and I didn't want it to leave a message. I amble in, push the door with full confidence, only to not have it yield under my grasp. Damn. SOmeone is inside. And so, I wait. As I do, a thought from a long-lost sms forward comes drifting to my head. " The length of a minute depends on which side of the bathroom door you are!" Truer wrods were not spoken. I still wait, patiently, trying not to think too much, but the only things that seem to come to my head are waterfalls, streams of water, flushes, and the rains. As if on cue, the heavens open up. I'm up against the elements. Finally, the door opens, the previous occupant wiping his hands dry exits the bathroom. I hold my nose and walk in. Ironically, the first thing I see is graffitti, fresh, mind you, loudly proclaiming " Do not take more than five minutes!!" Good advice.

I return to my table, and take my seat. My coffee and my fate for the evening have both arrived by this time, and so I take my leave from all around me, and begin to lose myself in her eyes.

And with that, cheers and good notions


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Adventures Of K-Man And V-Dude

Super-heroes the world over, STEP ASIDE!!!!! There is a new tandem in town, with such magnificent super=powers, such mights, and most importantly, such incredible comic-timing. Presenting to you, with incredible amounts of confetti throwing, and loads of fan-fare, we present- "The Adventures Of K-Man And V-Dude!!!" Dan-dan-dannnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!

The Characters::
K-Man: Mild-mannered, if highly verbose, college student by day.....turns into the dark and moustachioed K-Man, scourge of villains and dictionaries alike.

V-Dude: Bumbling, stumbling,Klutzy sidekick. Super-powers include gluing back Ching Vases back together in record time

The Monolith- Mentor to the Dazed Duo, and provider of food

Our story begins in the warm and sunny city of The Roasted Beans..RBVILLE, if you will....our heroes were just aimlessly wandering the streets, as is their wont, randomly arguing about something which had caught one's fancy and not the others. Suddenly, the dazed duo super symbol flashes in the sky.

Verbose Kurien: Holy Smokes....

Nat-so-ver-Bose: That reminds still have to pay me for all those....

Verbose-Kurien: Ohh!! Don't be so cheap!! We have important business to attend to!!! the super secret hideout!!!!

Not-so-ver-Bose: We don't have one!!!

Verbose-Kurien: Well then, to the house of the Monolith!!!

Not-so-ver-Bose: Well then, lead the way!!!

Verbose Kurien: No, my friend, YOU get to lead the way!!!

Not-so-ver-Bose: You mean you finally trust me enough to lead the way?? As in me in charge?? Really? Really?

Verbose Kurien: Not exactly..I forgot the way to the Mentor's house!!!

Meanwhile, at the Monolith's house, a sinister plot is afoot.

Enter the super-villainess...Frizzy Girl...holding the Mentor hostage, she awaits the entry of our two heroes on the scene..

Monolith: You will never get away with this..

Frizzy: You actually think those two proteges of yours will be able to rescue you from this peril??

Monolith: Firstly, what peril? You have gotten me in my own house, in my own armchair, with plenty of food around. Secondly, you are unarmed. And thirdly, those two goofs, while they are goofs, will manage to swing something.

Frizzy: My henchmen will take care of them. Henchmen!!! (man-mountains arrive)

Man-mountain 1: You called, meydam??

Frizzy: When the dazed duo arrive, take care of them!!

Man-mountain 2: Jee sahiba!!! Chai Vaai pila doonn??


Man-Mountai 1: Jee Sahiba!!! (they leave!!!)

Monolith: Fine pair of henchmen.....

Frizzy: Better than those two bumbling oafs of yours!!

Monolith: We shall see!!

Frizzy: SILENCE!!! This is portion for evil laugh. Muahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

Monolith: I am not afraid of you, or your henchmen...what can you do to me??

Frizzy: I can Bite!!!

Monolith:: Ulp!! HAALLLLLLPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, our two heroes, after a lot of bickering with an auto guy, have landed up at the house of their mentor. They Knock on the door..

Frizzy: Say you aren't home!!!

Monolith: What?? That doesn't make any...

Frizzy: (baring teeth) SAY IT!!!!!!!


V-Dude: Okay..he is not home..what should we do now??

K-man: Boy, HE just said that he is not home, and that we should save him. Do you not get what that means??

V-Dude: We can go in and use his computer to find the emergency??

K-Man: Sometimes I wonder how you can have such little brains!! No, you bashibazook, it means that he is in trouble and needs our help. Quick, to the back gate..

Our heroes forcibly enter the house, loudly screaming, "EVIL DOERS BEWARE!!!!!!! THE DAZED DUO ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Frizzy: Henchmen, ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The two man-mountains depart to the back entrance..


Many sound effects later....our super-heroes arrive for the confrontation scene....

K-Man: Surrender, oh rough-haired one..we cannot be beaten!!

Frizzy: How did you manage to get past my henchmen?? How??

K-Man: We have our methods..

Frizzy: Those sounds were not you beating the living daylights out of them, were they??

V-Dude: Ofcourse not!! That was me falling into that pile of vessels which then fell and bonked your henchmen on the heads...

Monolith: (to the heavens) HOW??? WHY???? HOW AND WHY DO THEY ALL FIND ME????

V-dude: Surrender, enemy!! There is no way past me!!! K-Man, release the mentor while I take care of this one!!!!

Frizzy: HAH!!!! You take care of me?? Go home little boy...I know your secret fear....(produces a cock-roach) come any closer and I shall unleash it on you!!!!


Frizzy: High-Pitched screams!! I can't handle them!!!!! (drops cockroach, which scurries away!!)

V-Dude: Who new being high-pitched had it's benefits??

K-Man and Monolith: We didn't!!!!

Emboldened by the elimination of his fear from the scene, V-Dude strides and picks up the arch-nemesis off from the floor, and ties her to the chair, after suitably gagging her!!! (Those teeth really hurt!!) K-man frees the mentor from the chair.

Monolith: Many thanks, Dazed really came through today..V-Dude, I shall never make fun of your high-pitched tendencies ever again!!!

V-Dude: Really??

Monolith: Ofcourse I jsut saved my's not like you saved the country or something!!!

K-Man: We shall move on to bigger things!!Worry not sirrah. Wherever there be evil, there be the two of us to spread Justice's good name and make evil-doers repent (cue fanfare), to protect the innocent, to embolden the weak, to strengthen the meek, to defend the defenseless....

Monolith: Does he always carry on so much??

V-Dude: I am afraid so...should I interrupt him??

Monolith: You think he would even notice??

V-Dude: I doubt it!!

Monolith: Alright! Lunch?

V-Dude: Excellent suggestion!!! Lead the way Sirrah!!!

And so, we leave our heroes, knowing that as long as there are people who dare challenge the tandem, they will get the stuffing knocked out of them of course!!! And yes, K-Man did not notice that his sidekick and the mentor had left the he continued his mission statement........................ending at 4 pm.............................................the next day.............



In our next episode, K-Man and V-Dude take on Grandmother Lady. Stay tuned for more of the Dazed Duo's adventures...until long..and prosper!!!!!!!!!!!!!



“…the world which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light…”

Matthew Arnold’s powerful, powerful lines. Today is a weird day, my friends. It is the day of a State-Wide Bandh. Nothing moves, no one ventures outside except the foolhardy – and adventurous shop-owners. Buses operate on a skeletal service, vehicles are sequestered. And thus, on this day when nothing moves, I wake up late. I go make my coffee and sit down to read the news paper. I switch on the TV, but nothing’s on except grey everywhere. I continue to peruse the newspaper. News of Shashi Tharoor’s backing-down as a result of a US Veto boils my blood, but who am I to interfere…

And then it happens. I catch sight of another article. And my blood really boils. Every hair on my moustache quivers with an excess of moral indignation, every common-sense related neuron walks away, waving it’s tiny little neuronal fists in the air (or in the surrounding CSF, to be precise). It is a tale of woe, of sheer stupidity, of a nation so long on the alert that everyone seems an enemy, insiders and outsiders alike, everyone is subjected to a ruthless examination that is revolting in it’s closeness (both of approach and mindset).

A Tamilian. In an airport. In a country whose name I do not wish to take, but if I had to set a Crossword clue for it, it would go thus:

1A) Country of you and me? (2)

He waits for his plane, this innocent Tamilian, this Indian National. Waits for his plane to arrive, waits for the Tannoy announcements requesting everyone to board their planes. And then he feels a vibration: his phone is ringing. With legendary Indian speed, he whips out his cell-phone, recognises the number as that of an old school-friend. Pleasure makes lines across his face deepen as he answers.

The two friends talk excitedly in Tamil, about a School Reunion game (may have been Cricket). They get excited, our man arguing with his friend about the outcomes and the various nuances of the day's play.
He argues..
when he feels
cold steel fingers grip his shoulder...
He turns....
And looks
Into the eyes of a steely young Airport Official. He is politely requested to hang up, when he inquires (“Hey! Am I not allowed to talk on the phone??”), only to be told forcefully but politely to hang up, and accompany the steely young Airport Official. Shaken, our man obeys...

And is detained in the Airport strong room. Soon, a higher official walks in, sits down, demands from our shaken compatriot an explanation. Our man is nonplussed. And then the senior man explains.

It seems our man was making suspicious movements in the airport. HUH???? In reply to an obvious qustion, the senior official explains...
And soon the truth is out: the steely young Airport Official considered the rapid flow of Tamil emanating from our man's mouth to be extremely suspicious and therefore, performed the Airport Official's equivalent of a Citizen’s arrest. An explanation ensues, and soon the stupid blunder is revealed. A young official's over zealousness. And then comes the insult:

Realising the error, the senior official apologises, but not before everything has become public. He speaks to Press people, and says, “Nothing to worry. Mr So-and-so (whatever his name was) has provided an innocent, satisfactory explanation.”


Does Tamil sound any different to someone ignorant of the language, than Swahili or Taiwanese??? Face it, this man was hauled because he looked suspicious. He looked Indian, which is the same as Saudi Arabian and Middle-Eastern in the West, both of which are synonyms for a word which I will not use here, but if I were to set a crossword clue for it, it would go thus:

2A) Play with TT? Error is radical. (9)

This is the ultimate fear. Not being able to let anyone speak in their mother tongue because it sounds suspicious to you. Why don’t you put up a make up stall outside? So we will all colour our skin lighter and why don’t you provide us with free accent-training, so we can all speak like you? Then there’ll be no suspicions. We’ll all be one big happy family.

And this is the country we are all going to, to study and make our fortunes. My god.


To paraphrase,

“…the COUNTRY which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new…
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.”

Except the armies fight by day. And they are waiting, hankering, hungering for someone to grab, someone to incarcerate, someone to subdue. This is what we have come to. See and believe.

You decide.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

This place in which I presently live, this place in which I dwell:
This wasteland that people love to hate; and loathe and abhor as well,
This blasted patch, this cursed land on the outskirts of the city,
This place of very little pulchritude, and less’r electricity.
This godforsaken blasted place on the outskirts of the city,
Where the only people who smile at you, do so out of pity.

This place that no single person has any idea how to get to,
And when I try to tell them, we end up havin’ a set-to.
Most o’ my pals when asked to come say “It’s so friggin’ fa’!”
And one guy by the name of Sharma goes, “It’s a village, pa!”
And the buses are always chock-full with labourers and the like,
Asking someone to come home is like saying, “Take a hike.”

Any place in the city is too far to reach on time,
And when I do arrive, I’m so full of dirt and grime.
Which is not so surprising after two hours of standing
Crushed up against smelly people; all of them demanding
More space than they can get, so they can rest their arses,
And I even pay to do this! Yea! I pay for monthly passes.

There are no restaurants here, no bars or shopping malls,
Biharis own all the hardware stores, and Mallus own the stalls.
There are three colleges here, no less than seven schools,
There are four apartment blocks, all with swimming pools.
All the guys wear baggy pants and love hanging out of buses,
And rather than look at some of the girls, I’d marry platypuses.

Every time there’s a drop of rain, the electricity goes;
And the road become all muddy, to add to all my woes.
No Coffee Days, nowhere to relax, no nothing! And besides,
No Pizza place delivers here, curse their stinkin’ hides!
(Apparently they won’t come this side, ’cause they got police trouble.
My apologies to anyone from here, did I just burst a bubble?)

I don’t think I have to say anymore about this place where I am put up,
These many lines should have told the truth, so now’s the time to shut up.
And so, here ends this sad, sad tale of the place where I reside,
If anyone dares contradict me on this, I warn you, woe betide!
Any doubts you have I’ll try to clear, if it falls within my powers,
And anytime you want to meet me, give me a full two-an’-half hours!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Gautham’s Next Movie

See. I have watched these two films. Made by Gautham. And epiphany struck me. I saw the future.

One of these films was called Kaakka Kaakka (I hope the spelling is right and it doesn’t remind you of that other thing which we were so fond of saying in school) and Vettaiyaadu Veliyadu (sic). The former starred Surya and Jothika and the latter, Kamal Haasan and Ditto. Rather to the chagrin of my sister, who is a HUGE fan of M. Surya and is pretty pissed that he is marrying someone so round as Jothika, I found both movies just bordering on tolerable.
Gautham must never be allowed within miles of a script, a camera, or Kamal Haasan.

He is havoc. He is mad. He will make another film. I am sure of that. And I, being the Genius that I am, can give you the details of that film. I can! Really!! To paraphrase a line from a great playwright, I am basing this on certain things he did and certain observations I have made.

Getting down to brass tacks, the next film will have the following characteristics:

1) THE HERO: It will be Rajini. Come on! Who else is left??? He (Gautham)’s done Surya. He’s done the GREAT Kamal Haasan. Who is the only one in the whole industry who can take up after these two??? Right.

2) The HEROINE: The bubbly, effervescent Mrs. Surya alias Jothika of the “Mmm…enakku oru kiss kudu (pout)” fame.

3) THE MAIN CHARACTER (MALE): It will be a police officer. That was the case in both Kaakka Kaakka (KK hereinafter) and Vettaiyadu Veliyadu (VV hereinafter). It will be, it HAS TO BE, in the next one also.
Now see, in KK, the police officer marries Jothika, who gets killed by the villain. In VV, the policeman marries, his wife gets killed by the villain, and then he falls in love with Jothika. So what now?
Obvious!!! The policeman’s father, also a policeman, will marry and he and his wife will get killed by the villain. The son, now a policeman (wonder of wonders!!! Bet you wouldn’t have guessed that!!!!) will fall for Jothika, or Jothika will fall on him, in which case HE WILL DIE early in the film.
He will also have a drooping moustache.

4) THE MAIN CHARACTER (FEMALE): JOTHIKAJOTHIKAJOTHIKA. She will return to reprise her role for the third time. She will be something classy, a teacher (Yes!!! There are classy teachers!! This is KOLLY-BLOODY-WOOD!!!) or a software pro or something (Gautham will think of something. Maybe she will be a Teacher of Software. He is clever, that man, really clever. Beats me how he does it.) She will be chubby and will utter lines wonderfully with a pout and will cry and will squint and smile dangerously at the camera. The hero will fall for her, or she will fall on him and... Sorry, I can’t help cracking that one again and again.

5) THE LOVE ANGLE: One or both of the main characters will have broken pasts. They will meet at a coffee shop to discuss this (The shop was in Chennai in KK, New York in VV, maybe Chicago or Switzerland in the next one). Here, Jothika will say, “Mmm…enakku oru kiss kudu” or it's equivalent and then she will pout, whereupon the hero will fall for her, or she will fall on…Sorry.
Louuuu will happen.

6) THE DIALOGUES: What? What? You haven’t read this article carefully, have you??? THIS IS A GAUTHAM FILM! The dialogues will be retarded. Meaningless. Actors will adlib. Jothika will say “Mmm…enakku oru kiss kudu” and pout.

7) THE FAMILIES: The policeman will have an elder sister or someone similar to whom he will go and confess that he has fallen for Jothika (or that she has fallen on…Shit. I can’t stop myself!!!). The sister will ask him to go grab her, only more politely. Also, it is very possible that the villain will, to add to the pathos (Sadness, sorry. I’m sure Gautham won’t know such words as pathos.) kill some family friend. It has to happen, boss.

8) THE MUSIC: Will be a repeat of KK and VV. The lead song will have rhyming tamil words. KK had the inane “Kanäva Kädhala”, VV had it’s silly “Vénnilavé Vélli Nilavé”. (I love putting accent signs in tamil words.)
The camera will focus on Jothika singing INSANELY stupid sounds (I can’t call them words) like WOUUUAAUUUAAUUUAUU or YÉYIIIYAAAUUUUYYYEEEAAA. Rest of the background music will be very very VERY similar.
Don’t believe me???? Get both movies and watch them one after another. You’ll know.

9) THE TITLE: Obviously it will be two words, starting with the same letter. Maybe an SS or JJ or CC or something. ZZ or XX or AA or BB or... You get the picture.

10) THE ENDING: The hero will kill the villain in an airport. Wait! This is true! See: in KK, this happens in a shipyard. In VV, the scene almost identically shot and enacted, takes place in a derelict railway station. Ships, over. Railways, done. What’s left?? Airport. See?

It is obvious. Bernardo Bertolucci has said that every director makes only one film. That is, all the films made by one man are indications of who he is. If you put all the films of one director together, you will get an accurate picture of the man. Fellini had his idiosyncrasies, Kurosawa his histories and his sensitivities, Bergman and Pasolini had their obsessions, Kubrick had his genius and attention to detail. And all these are features of their movies.

Think Kubrick. Think Fellini, Kurosawa, Bergman (Sharma, I’m sure you know what I mean). Think (Snigger! Snort!) Tarkovsky or Antonioni.

This is true of Gautham also. He will keep on making the same film again and again, with other actors and Jothika. I think he made lots of research of policemen, and has enough material left over for another twenty films. Like Kieslowski’s Decalogues, he will make a Dodecalogue.
Or two.
You just wait and watch.
Love, cheer and lots of beer,

Monday, August 28, 2006

To Nihal And Sara

Apologies to K...this post is close to my heart, and a rather tangential post to what we usually add out here, but it must be done.

Ladies and gentlemen, we youngsters are a very wierd species. I don't know when it became cool to have a million and one significant others in your life, or it became a given that relationships lasting longer than a specified period of time needs to be scoffed at, or even gazed at with a cynic's eye. Of most people I know, perhaps I have the cynic's eye more firmly implanted within my optic chambers, but even I don't get this wierd, warped way of thinking.

Therefore, it is with great joy that I learnt that two of my closest friends, Nihal and Sara, just completed four years of going out. True love still deos exist in this world, and these two guys truly epitomize that feeling. I've known them apart, and I have known them together. Both ways they are perfect, but I love watching the two of them together. To say that they are the best couple I know of, is no exaggeration..

Either ways, guys, here's to you..happy four years, and may your love always grow. I may be a million miles away, but I'm never gonna forget you guys. Happy Anniversary once more..

Cheers and good notions


Sunday, August 13, 2006




Tis a strange mood that one finds me in today..hence, in order to either welcome you all to MY strange mood, or enable you to go into stranger moods yourself, I shall present to you a conversation I was privelleged to eavesdrop on. Enjoy, or make your own decisions as you read along. Bear in mind that this conversation happened a good two months ago, and therefore some major alterations may have happend to the main characters. That disclaimer in mind, ONWARDS!!!!

The Mind Of A Teeny-Bopper (for want of a better title)

The setting: Cafe Mochas, Churchgate, Mumbai. A rather chilled out coffee lounge, complete with hookahs, waiters dressed in somewhat traditional Moroccan attire (I say somewhat because I don't know what proper traditional Moroccan attire would be) and a rather Arabic feel and smell to it.

The Characters: Two teenaged girls, henceforth referred to as Teeny-Bopper 1 and Teeny-Bopper 2, this blogger(trying to look as if women are always late when meeting him, no big thing etc etc, but secretly wondering where the hell his company for the evening is), the waiters and other patrons of above mentioned coffee lounge.

The story:
Our tale begins at 5 pm on a Sunday evening. This blogger was reveling in the air-conditioning and trying to sing along with the original version of Ayesha, when the two teeny-boppers, who were incidentally seated behind me, decided to start a conversation. Having nothing else to do, being naturally predisposed to eavesdropping and owing to the fact that they were really,REALLY loud, I decided to lend an ear to their conversation.

T.B 1(with a tone of voice to convey imminent world destruction): YOU KNOW WHAT JUST HAPPENED????
T.B 2(eyes wide open): WHAT??
T.B 1: I really don't know how to tell you.
T.B 2: Tell me WHAT??
T.B 1: It's just way too wierd.

At this point, I let my eyes wander and noticed that several other tables were also paying attention to this highly intriguing conversation. Satisfied that I wasn't the only depraved individual in the establishment, I returned to eavesdropping. Bear in mind that nothing of importance had been said during this short interval, owing chiefly to the fact that the waiter had returnd with their orders.

T.B 2(taking a sip of her cold coffee): So tell na, what happened?

Yes, what happened indeed? T.B1 took a glance around to see if anyone else was listening. Obviously, EVERYONE was, but I don't think she noticed that fact.

T.B 1(taking a deep breath): HE asked me out!!!!!!
T.B2: He? Who he? (catching the meaningful look in her friend's eye) OHH!!! HE!! EWWW!!!

Lovely isn't it, the way these people have with words???

T.B1: I know!! I was, like, shocked! I didn't even know he liked me.
T.B2: And what did you say?? Please tell me you said No!!
T.B1: Obvio yaar!! How stupid do you think I am??

I'm sure everybody wanted to answer that question, but curiosity prevailed, and we listened on, hoping she'd explain why exactly she said NO!!

T.B2: Oh, thank God!! (religious, aren't we!!)
T.B1: Ya! I mean, just look at the clothes he wears..(AHA!!! We are getting somewhere!!) I mean, those baggy jeans, those stupid black t-shirts...CHEEE!!!!

At this moment, all the gentlemen (our young hero included) looked down to see our baggy jeans and our boring black t-shirts and cringed! But hope springs eternal, they say! And so it was, even in this dire state of mind, as she further proceeded to explain how we could become un "CHEEE".

T.B1: I mean, if only he wore some nice fitting, flared jeans, some nice pastel shades, and shoes instead of floaters with socks, then maybe I'd have said Yes. (How sweet of her!!) But now, EWWWW!!!
T.B2: I KNOW!!!How could he even think of asking YOU out? (The nerve of this guy!! Imagine...asking HER out??)

At this point, the conversation disintegrated into a fit of giggles and meaningless talk. My sympathies went out to the mysterious HE, although I feel that had he heard this conversation, he would thank his lucky stars that she'd turned him down.

And now. let us analyze the lessons learnt from this dialogue:

a) Eavesdropping is good fun?
V: Yes..I mean No..i mean..oh, just use your discretion when eavesdropping. Anything else??

b) The two girls were the dumb blonde types?
V: Incase you weren't paying attention, YES!! NOW ANYTHING ELSE??

c) You are not cool??
V: Ahh!! You are correct, sir. You see, dear reader, my entire wardrobe consists of predominantly black t-shirts(much to my granny's despair) and really baggy jeans(she has a few choice words about those too). Therefore I AM NOT COOL!! It takes getting used to.

But hope springs eternal. I too shall hunt for some nice-fitting jeans, some nice pastel-shaded shirts and shoes!! I TOO SHALL BE COOL!!

Cheers and good notions,

P.S: I'm not actually going to buy those! So I'm uncool! Atleast I'm comfortable!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

TULL!! (Part 2)

And check this out. Visions of Delany again. You'd never guess from the name what it's about, and neither can you guess where it goes from the first stanza to the tear-jerker ending.

"The Chequered Flag (Dead Or Alive)"

The disc brakes drag,
The chequered flag sweeps across the oil-slick track.
The young man's home; dry as a bone.
His helmet off, he waves: the crowd waves back.
One lap victory roll. Gladiator soul.
The taker of the day in winning has to say,
Isn't it grand to be playing to the stand,
Dead or alive.

The sunlight streaks through the curtain cracks,
touches the old man where he sleeps.
The nurse brings up a cup of tea ---
two biscuits and the morning paper mystery.
The hard road's end, the white god's-send
is nearer everyday, in dying the old man says,
Isn't it grand to be playing to the stand,
dead or alive.

The still-born child can't feel the rain
as the chequered flag falls once again.
The deaf composer completes his final score.
He'll never hear the sweet encore.
The chequered flag, the bull's red rag,
the lemming-hearted hordes
running ever faster to the shore singing,
Isn't it grand to be playing to the stand,
dead or alive.


Ian Anderson is a lovely lyricist. And this writing is so Samuel Delany. Just savour this:


I think she was a middle-distance runner...
Could be a budding stately hero.
International competition in a year.
She was a good enough reason for a party...
(well, you couldn't keep up on a hard track mile)
while she ran a perfect circle.
And she wore a perfect smile
in Budapest... hot night in Budapest.

We had to cozzy up in the old gymnasium...
dusting off the mandolins and checking on the gear.
She was helping out at the back-stage...
stopping hearts and chilling beer.
Yes, and her legs went on for ever.
Like staring up at infinitythrough a wisp of cotton panty
along a skin of satin sea.Hot night in Budapest.

You could cut the heat, peel it back with the wrong side of a knife.
Feel it blowing from the sidefills.
Feel like you were playing for your life(if not the money).
Hot night in Budapest.

She bent down to fill the ice box
and stuffed some more warm white wine in
like some weird unearthly vision
wearing only T-shirt, pants and skin.
You know, it rippled, just a hint of muscle.
But the boys and me were heading west
so we left her to the late crew
and a hot night in Budapest.
It was a hot night in Budapest.

She didn't speak much English language...(she didn't speak much anyway).
She wouldn't make love, but she could make good sandwich
and she poured sweet wine before we played.
Hey, Budapest, cha, cha, cha. Let's watch her now.

I thought I saw her at the late night restaurant.
She would have sent blue shivers down the wall.
But she didn't grace our table.
In fact, she wasn't there at all.
Yes, and her legs went on forever.
Like staring up at infinity.
Her heart was spinning to the west-lands
and she didn't care to be
that night in Budapest.
Hot night in Budapest.
Journey 2.
Further Adventures of a Furious Character
The Drear Side

I have already mentioned the funnier aspects of a BMTC Bus Journey. That was Journey 1. But, being cursed to travel every single day, and that many times within the course of each single day, I have opportunity to study the sadder, more melancholy aspects too. Indeed, look at all the facets of Journey 1: the drunks, the smells, the fear and the loathing (to borrow but a phrase) and you will see what I mean – they can be a representation of the sadder side too.

If you do not see as yet, go by bus. To someplace, anyplace. Then come back home. Go, and come, by a crowded bus. Believe me, you will then know what authors mean when they say “a bespattered cross-section of the lower strata of humanity” or some such shit. Because that phrase means, roughly translated, “all the people who go by BMTC buses”, in Swahili. Other terms in Swahili meaning roughly the same thing are, “The UnderPrivileged”, “Smelly Cats, Smelly Cats” and “FCUKinkybuggers”.

It is a very depressing thing, going by bus. Very saddening, very maddening. Hey! I can write a poem about it!!! See (if I were to write it), it (would) goes thus:

It is really saddening, maddening,
It’s not the least bit gladdening,
The way you go by bus.
It’s all very depressing, oppressing,
And there’s also a little cross-dressing,
In the way we go by bus…

The travelers are so flagrant, vagrant,
And not too very fragrant,
As they go by bus.
I hope you see my meaning, gleaning
Something from this preening
Of how I go by bus.

And so on.

I am every day enveloped by the collective unconscious (No, not the new Herrera perfume for women, the feelings of the people) as soon as I enter a bus. Any bus. Crowded, uncrowded; stinky, fragrant – it doesn’t matter. There is a…sadness in the air, what’s left of it.

You get the feeling it must be really, really sad for all these people to be condemned to such a fate as to come by such dreary means everyday, and then you realize that you do the same thing yourself and you heartily agree with whatever you just thought now.

Some of the things you see outside the buses always seem to portray something of an idyllic, pastoral charm. Be it the early morning sunlight slanting through the leaves, the sambhrani smoke from earthen houses, the people meeting at the local bakery and having a cuppa chai. Or it is evening and amidst all the people rushing back home, you see someone walking a dog, some children playing, someone walking with a lover in a park.

I can clearly remember the line from Le Carré’s first Smiley,
Beyond the trees, Smiley thought, cars are passing. Beyond the trees lies a whole world…”

Indeed, beyond the window, life exists. And it is somehow amplified by the fact that you cannot move at all, you cannot take too deep a breath – A metaphor between traveling in a bus and the ultimate oblivion? I don’t know. Maybe Death is an infinite BMTC bus-ride. The Final Bus-ride. Passes Not Allowed – when it is but human to move and breathe, these being the biological indications of life. An organism is said to be a living organism if it eats, excretes, breathes and is able to move from one place to another.

And then there are the drear scenes…

Moving through Kalasipalyam, I see policemen inside a bylane. The bus moves forward, crossing a police vehicle, and in it, dazed, eyes wide, sits an old woman. She seems shell-shocked, unable to move, blink, or close her open mouth. Her hair, and the whole left side of her face is caked with red blood. She just sits there, staring out through the protective grille, as the bus moves on.

We near Hebbal, and it is night. The roadlamps cast a sickly yellow glow over everything. There is a rotting pig’s carcass on the roadside, and some crows are making an evening meal of it. Right next to them, as though accentuating the metaphor of death, a man climbs down from an Ambassador, dressed in white dhoti and anga-vastram, to perform someone’s last rites in Hebbal lake. And then I remember that the Electric Crematorium is just on the other side of the road.

A little further ahead, are some…beings. Hermaphrodites. Eunuchs. Doubling as prostitutes. They sit on the roadside, no expression on their faces, clothes undone to display wares. Selling themselves. Gender-confused daughters of Hermes and Aphrodite selling themselves to the rest of humanity.

Dreary, bleary scenes. Scenes of life, the way it is. No gloss, no glamour. Just blood, and gore and flesh. And death.

Scenes from a moving bus. Life.

And, as usual, a Sabbath song comes to my mind. Also, in passing, I must state that Iommi and Ozzy are some of the GREATEST lyricists ever. Heavy metal rules. The lines I’m thinking of go:

Inclination of direction, walk the turn and twisted grift
With the children of creation futuristic dreams we sift
Clutching violently we whisper with a liquefying cry
Many deadly final answers that are surely doomed to die.

Won’t you help me Mr. Jesus? Won't you tell me if you can?
When you see this world we live in, do you still believe in man?

If my psalms become my freedom, and my freedom turns to gold
Then I'll ask the final question: if the answer could be sold…

The song is appropriately titled, “The Thrill of It All”.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

A Strange Love Indeed

This is not written for my benefit. This is not written to show off my literary skills. This is not written for my own viewing pleasure.

This is written at one a.m. in the morning with a lump in my throat. This is written out of a sense of awe and wonder, and of immense respect.

This, in brief, is written after viewing one of the most spectacular and perfect endings of one of the most brilliant films ever made.

I doff my miniscule hat to the huge intellects that were a part of this wonderful feature. To Stanley Kubrick, maverick director, auteur, genius filmmaker; to Peter Sellers, brilliant actor – maybe the most versatile actor ever; to Hollywood, I doff my hat. I salute you all, you who did this.

The clouds mushroom over a destroyed earth, as Dr. Strangelove plans to survive underground, ‘breeding prodigiously’ for a hundred years. And the beautiful voice of Vera Lynn hauntingly assures us that

We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.
Keep smiling through, just like you always do,
’Til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away.

So will you please say hello to the folks that I know,
Tell them I won't be long.
They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go,
I was singing this song.

After the rain comes the rainbow,
You'll see the rain go, never fear,
We two can wait for tomorrow,
Goodbye to sorrow, my dear.

We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day…

Maybe we will, Vera. Maybe we will meet, Stanley and Peter, maybe we will meet again some sunny day. But till then, thank you.
